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[专稿] 港粤对焦 Carl Corey 针孔照片展

艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-02-22 10:14:28 | 文章来源: 艺术中国


  港粤对焦 Carl Corey 针孔照片展
  香港 中环 嘉咸街35号 地铺
  2008年3月6日 (星期四)下午6时至8时

  每年一度精艺轩画廊会挑选一位非华人艺术家,展出他的作品;今年三月,我们将会展出美国艺术家 Carl Corey 的“港粤对焦”照片特辑。去年 Corey 带着他那不能调较而生产于一九五四年的柯达针孔相机在香港及南中国拍下了这辑照片。

  Corey 表示一直以来他深被中国文化,神秘及引人入胜之处所吸引;中国亦是他的想象力的资源。这次他选用了童年已拥有的老爷相机作拍摄工具,主要是他知道针孔相机在摄影时常出现不定性的结果,这有助他提升观众的想象力及使自己在摄制过程中能更投入其间。

  一九五四年出生于芝加哥,Corey 在南伊利诺伊州大学的电影摄影学院取得美术系学士,毕业后一直从事艺术创作,曾在美欧举办个展,作品被麦迪逊当代美术馆、Nikon 摄影美术馆、Philip Morris 等大机构收藏。

  展览详情可电邮 dyiu@artbeatus.com.hk 或致电 2522.1138 向或 2526.0818 查询。
  画廊开放时间:星期一至六 11:30am-7:30pm 星期日及公众假期休息。


  China – with my Brownie Photographs of Carl Corey

  March 6 to 26, 2008
  Art Beatus Gallery
  35-39 Graham Street, Ground Floor, Central, Hong Kong
  ( Near Hollywood Road and Lyndhurst Terrace )
  Artist will attend the opening ceremony from 6:00 to 8:00pm on March 6, 2008 (Thursday)

  Once every year Art Beatus Gallery will show the works of a non-Chinese artist and in March 2008 we will display the photographs of American artist, Carl Corey, taken with his non-adjustable vintage 1954 Kodak pinhole camera in Hong Kong and parts of southern China last year.

  Corey was born in Chicago in 1954 and received his Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts from the College of Cinema and Photography of the Southern Illinois University in 1976. He became a professional photo-artist after graduation and has a series of exhibitions both in the United States and Europe. His works are now in the collections of Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Normandale College, Nikon and Philip Morris.

  In his artist’s statement, Corey said that he had been fascinated with the culture, mystery and intrigue that China afforded his imagination. For the series of works in this exhibition, he used the antiquated tourist camera that he owned since childhood because he had hoped that the somewhat undefined results of the images could heighten the viewers’ imagination as well as revealing his immersion into the culture of the environs while shooting those works.

  Art Beatus Gallery’s exhibition space is located at 35-39 Graham Street, Ground Floor, Central, Hong Kong.
For further information, you can e-mail us at dyiu@artbeatus.com.hk or call 2522-1138 / 2526-0818.
Gallery hours: Mon. thr. Saturday, 11:30am-7:30pm, close on Sundays & public holidays.

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