
时间:2011-11-24 10:37:14 | 来源:艺术中国

文/ 吕胜中






“飞花摘叶 皆可送人”,这是她首先将首饰作为人类情感物化形式所提出的创作理念。花草无情人有情,醉翁之意不在酒,我相信,这曾经是生命最本原的情感表达方式,而首饰,真像造型艺术中的散文诗,以短章的形式,用轻灵而富于内涵的意象、简炼有韵律并且富于节奏的语言,自由抒发内心世界的文体,叙述表述者情感的意象。





















A Life Shouted Aloud from “细软xìruǎn ”

Text: Lv Shengzhong


When I look at Teng Fei’s jewelry, the meticulously textured pieces steal silently into the bottom of my heart and inspire wonder.

Jewelry--the delicate craftwork, the exquisite textures--has always been a quiet but vibrant feminine adornment, a symbol of elegance and luxury.

Teng Fei says that the development of China’s jewelry craft has halted under the shadow of history and tradition. In the years especially since the end of the Qing Dynasty, Chinese jewelry has not gotten the attention or promotion it deserves. Historical records give us jewelry in the classical style, with its function of adornment as well as artistry, but in China today there is no step forward for the future of Chinese jewelry.

It is upon this fractured and desolate path that Teng Fei started her creative journey.

“Flowers and leaves bear one’s emotions as gifts to others”— this concept of how jewelry can become an objectification of people’s emotions is what she bases her creation upon. Flowers in themselves are devoid of emotion, but human emotion is conferred through the offering of flowers, as jewelry confers meaning through its beauty. Jewelry is a poem of figurative art, its agile and expressive imagery, cadence and rhythmic language an essay that exposes the inner world of the narrator’s emotional imagery.

What is “imagery”? It is an object totally soaked in our subjective impression; to give form to this abstract impression, we use imagery to create artistry. As the “gifts of emotions” are permeated by the artist’s emotional imagery, they will no longer be simple, emotionless flowers and leaves, because they have been imbued with true emotion.

We can see this imagery in two of Teng Fei’s series, Dialogue and Monologue ( 2004) and Rainy Season.(2005) Those plain yet challenging petals and buds; those easily overlooked twigs with those sprouts pushing upwards; those quickly dying green leaves that still long for life; those droplets of water that drip down and pass away…they are whispering, Teng Fei is explaining, they are all narrating together… a poem made of emotional images becomes a tangible piece of finery, worn upon a finger or around a neck.

Can you hear it?



Jewelry has always been a cherished object or a totem to unite a community, a talisman to protect from evil or a symbol to distinguish layers of society, or a remembrance of the sparks of emotion… throughout time, jewelry has accompanied life, never to be wrought apart. Here, objects and self, celestial beings, come together as one.

A longing for objects has always insuppressible, but wise men would say: aside from clothing and food, all else is just worldly possessions. Fleeing from a world torn apart by chaos, the objects one is most likely to carry on their person are valuables. This is not only because the materials are precious--it is because giving up this reminder of the preciousness of life is like giving up life itself.

Perhaps Teng Fei has already noted these characteristics of jewelry, but she is not simply following a historical account. She delves directly into life’s journey looking for things worth cherishing. Her Allegory of the Body, Palpitation, Diaries of 40, and A Riddle turn artifical tubes, electrocardiograms, X-rays and hair into raw materials; these remnants of life that were once attached to the body, holding us together, are turned into “valuables” that can be worn as accessories. Cherished items might be gold, silver, jade, pearls, diamonds… but they must be closely bound with our lives.

Wearing these pieces of life, Teng Fei remains calm and collected, even while encountering obstacles along the road that will change her journey.


In the spirit there resides a pocket of perseverance, and in the mind there resides a sense of life value.

Teng Fei was born in southern China, and a traditional Chinese feminine aesthetic has always influenced her nature, just like jewelry brews a spiritual fineness.

Where is the bottom line of life value? Whether it is sadness or pain, our emotions bear limited endurance, and once we’ve reached the line, our soult begins to gasp for air. In this moment we can only shut our eyes, locate ourselves in the blackness, and pace back and forth on the fringe of the line.

Life will always come face to face with limits, and we spend most of our lives looking for this place.

Silver and gold finery are hidden away to keep them intact; our delicate emotions are bundled up to protect their values. But these valuable things seep out despite our best efforts, because a mere individual cannot contain the immensity of life. The self is a tiny point in all the life between heaven and earth, like a drop of ink of Mi Fu, the ancient Chinese calligrapher, or a colored stain of Georges Seurat. When she embraces the fullness of life, she can offer up her valuables to the world.

This offering is tied to a deep hurt.

Teng Fei’s work That Summer (2007)shows her calm in the face of pain—eyes closed, head raised, on her neck a made-up thick line of fresh blood within trace of a knife—an intense hidden struggle, the fight between life and death.

Teng Fei says the inspiration for this piece is her memory of delivering her son by c-section.

I think that she has already moved past the suffering of a mother’s dedication, and in the blood and pain she has experienced the power of true love!

With the world in front of her, ideals in front of her, beauty in front of her—in front of her but also far, the steps difficult, progress hard--Teng Fei has faith in the value of self, seeks confidence and courage. An introverted woman who has created a steady and unyielding spirit in the “fineness” sculpted from blood and fire, she marches from summer—fall—winter--all the way to spring, offering us from her depths her special “细软xìruǎn” --- valuables in jewelry and soul. .


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