Qin Yufen,Time Measure,Mixed media,1200×180cm,2010
齐佳铭,东方红,装置,软体填充物,手工缝制,仿毛皮,380 × 200 × 150cm,2008
Qi Jiaming,The East Is Red,Installation,Stuffing and hand-sewing material, imitation fur fiber,380 × 200 × 150cm,2008
齐佳铭,东方红,装置,软体填充物,手工缝制,仿毛皮,380 × 200 × 150cm,2008
Qi Jiaming,The East Is Red,Installation,Stuffing and hand-sewing material, imitation fur fiber,380 × 200 × 150cm,2008
史金淞,2分56秒,装置,L41.6 L汽油发动机,不锈钢管,角钢,110×118×139cm,2008
Shi Jinsong,2’56”,Installation,Four-stroke gasoline engine, 1.6 liters, stainless steel tubes and angled iron bars,110×118×139cm,2008