[专稿] 谣——张炜个展

时间:2008-11-24 13:51:31 | 来源:艺术中国


张炜:谣 zhang wei_ghost, complex, alone






  地址:55  上海莫干山路50号4号楼A座底楼

  电话:(021)6266 4108

  营业时间:星期二至星期日,11:00 - 17:00

  邮箱: info@gallery55s.com

  网站: www.gallery55s.com


  Ghost, complex, alone - A solo exhibition by Zhang Wei

  Zhang Wei’s recent works expressed his recognition for reality as well as history. From his simple composition, the artist was actually well knitting a series of ridiculous as yet real events. Amid the majority of whiteness, stories were told so naturally and amply. In his stories, the charactors seem to be so familiar as well as strange, epitome of childhood or another ego of reality. What appears on his canvases is in fact very familiar in reality but never actually happened. The arist stimulates the audiences’ memories with this seemingly absurd but childish sarcasm. How believable are those so-called true events we have heard about?

  How can we distinguish the truthfulness of many things which could so easily be modified, reproduced or re-created by digital technology or simulation? To what extent is history to our control? Zhang Wei’s works remind us to re-exam what have happened around us & re-discover what have happened in the past.

  Exhibition dates: 29 Nov. – 25 Dec., 2008

  Opening Reception: Saturday, 29 Nov., 2008, 14:00 – 17:00

  Venue: 55

  50 Moganshan Road, Bldg. 4A

  Shanghai 200060, China

  Tel: + 86 21 6266 4108

  Business hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 11:00 - 17:00

  E: info@gallery55s.com

  W: www.gallery55s.com

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