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[专稿] 十一月牛房仓库活动

艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-11-10 11:39:39 | 文章来源: 艺术中国





  主讲:李锐奋先生 婆仔屋艺术空间艺术总监

  简佩茵小姐 婆仔屋艺术空间艺术教育统筹

  地点:澳门渔人码头会议展览中心2号展厅 (附图)




  日期 : 二零零八年十一月八日至九日

  开放时间: 星期六 (十一月八日) :早上十一时至晚上七时 / 星期日 (十一月九日) :早上十一时至晚上六时

  地点 : 澳门渔人码头会议展览中心2号展厅





  Welcome to Education Expo Macau 2008 Winter!

  Date: 8-9 November 2008 (Saturday & Sunday)Opening Hours: Saturday (8 Nov): 11:00am-7:00pm; Sunday (9 Nov): 11:00am-6:00pmVenue: Hall 2, Macau Fisherman's Wharf Convention and Exhibition CentreArea: Approx. 1,500 square meters

  Macau Education Expo is the region's only free event focusing on all aspect of education, learning and professional development.

  Facing the globalization, not only students, but also professionals are looking for continuous studies. Running into its 3rd edition, Macau Education Expo, which attract Schools, Colleges, Universities, Educational Institutes, Professional Organizations from local and overseas, provide a platform for further study and training information.

  A series of seminars, with displays and exhibits from all the major specialists, Macau Education Expo is a alluring fair to anyone in local and nearby cities who are seeking quality education and professional development.



  又讲又展2008 - 录像艺术活动

  Talks & Exhibition 2008 – Video Art Activities

  展览开幕exhibition opening ceremony:


  4:00pm, Saturday, 15 November 2008

  展期exhibition period:


  16 November to 14 December 2008



  16, 23, 29 & 30 November 2008

  承接去年「又讲又展」──录像艺术活动,今年婆仔屋艺术空间再接再励,举行「又讲又展 2008」──录像艺术活动。今次活动像去年一样,除了展览外,同时也邀请多位艺术家进行讲座,藉由艺术家亲身讲述、与观众分享和讨论,让我们在进一步了解每位艺术家的创作概念、过程和经验之时,又能从多角度去感受「录像」这一媒体的特质和其不受限制的演绎方式。


  To continue and succeed to the "Talks and Exhibition" – Video Art Activities held in last year, Old Ladies' House Art Space makes untiring efforts to curate again "Talks and Exhibition - 2008" – Video Art Activities. This programme, like last year, except for the exhibition, talks will be given by participating artists. They will tell about their works and discuss with audiences. It makes us comprehending further the creative concepts, process and experience of each artist, simultaneously, feeling the distinguishing characteristics of "video" from multi-points of view and the unrestrictedly deductive method.

  Eight video artists are invited to participate in exhibiting their works. Without any central theme being imposed in the show, the participants only use moving images to tell their stories, feelings and points of view. The medium is the only common bridge among these works. In other words, this exhibition is a gathering of video works.

  参展艺术家 participating artists:

  何家政 Ho Ka Cheng(澳门 Macao)

  稲垣智子Tomoko Inagaki (日本 Japan)

  郭恬熙Alice Kok (澳门 Macao)

  卢谨明Jenny Lu (台湾 Taiwan )

  森村诚Makoto Morimura (日本 Japan)

  倪柯耘 Ni Keyun(中国大陆 Mainland China)

  杜汉彬Toh Hun Ping (星加坡 Singapore)

  曾翠珊 Jessey Tsang(香港Hong Kong)


  录像艺术讲座Video Art Talks:

  16/11 (星期日 Sunday)

  地点Venue:牛房仓库二楼 Second floor, Ox warehouse

  2:30pm – 郭恬熙Alice Kok (澳门Macao)

  粤语主讲/conducted in Cantonese

  4:30pm – 稻垣智子Tomoko Inagaki (日本 Japan)

  英语主讲 粤语翻译/conducted in English with Cantonese interpretation

  23/11 (星期日 Sunday)


  Macau New Technologies Incubator Centre, 7 floor, The Macau Square, Av. Infante D. Henrique, No. 43-53A

  2:00pm – 杜汉彬Toh Hun Ping (星加坡Singapore)

  国语主讲/conducted in Mandarin

  29/11 (星期六 Saturday)

  地点Venue:牛房仓库二楼 Second floor, Ox warehouse

  2:30pm – 何家政 Ho Ka Cheng (澳门Macao)

  粤语主讲/conducted in Cantonese

  4:30pm – 卢谨明 Jenny Lu (台湾Taiwan ) 国语主讲/conducted in Mandarin

  30/11 (星期日 Sunday)

  地点Venue:牛房仓库二楼Second floor, Ox warehouse

  2:30pm – 曾翠珊 Jessey Tsang(香港Hong Kong)

  粤语主讲/conducted in Cantonese


  策展人curator:李少庄 Bianca Lei

  主办 / Organization:

  婆仔屋艺术空间 / Old Ladies' House Art Space

  赞助 / Sponsor:

  澳门特区政府民政总署/ IACM


  地点 / Venue:

  牛房仓库 / Ox Warehouse


  No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau

  开放时间 / Opening time:

  (12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)

  巴士路线 / Bus Line :


  查询 / For enquiry:

  28530026 (12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)

  传真 / Fax:28533047

  电邮 / E–mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com

  网址 / Website:http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com




  Prelude to the 10th Anniversary of 1999 Macao Handover

  art exhibition

  开幕时间 / Opening :

  11月15日(星期六/Saturday) 下午四时

  4:00pm, 15 November 2008

  展期 / Exhibition Period :


  4 November 2008 to 19 January 2009

  人生中有很多"十周年",很多值得纪念的日子。 "十周年"究竟对我们的意义有多重大? "回归"对于港澳市民是一个十分重要的日子,因此每年都有不同的庆典来庆祝回归纪念日。2008年刚好是在香港和澳门回归十周年之间的一年。这个第九年,是我们准备迎接一个"十周年"前的一年。这一年,到底我们要用什么样的态度去面对将要来临的第十年呢?一个城市十年间的变迁,对经历过香港回归、澳门回归,或没有经历过回归的人,其意义相信是不同的。






  There are many "decennials" and days worth of commemoration in life. What does the "10th anniversary of the Handover" mean to us? The Handover was such an important occasion for Hong Kong and Macau people that every year we see plenty of celebratory events. 2008 is a special year midway between the 10th anniversaries of Hong Kong and Macao handovers. In this year what's our attitude regarding next year - the 10th anniversary of Macao's handover? The transformation of a city in ten years' time may have different meanings for those who witnessed the actual Hong Kong and Macao handovers and those who didn't.

  The preparation of this exhibition has been underway in a twinkling of a year. Looking back at the year 2008, it has brought us far more experiences than any other years. Alongside the majestic Beijing Olympics, saddening disasters also happened this year, which was partly God's Act and partly human error. And just within 12 months the world has changed dramatically, so capriciously and unexpectedly.

  Ten years in the impressive course of history, is just a dust grain.

  Ten years in the artistic path, how far can we proceed?

  Ten years of life, what on earth does it mean?

  Among the invited artists for this exhibition, some I have known for more than ten years and others have entered my life more recently, in different places and circumstances . How changeable it is being together and apart in our lifetime! The 9th year after the handover is a unique eve and there are ten artists gathering here with us, anticipating how to tune in and play out the "Prelude to the 10th Anniversary of Macao Handover"


  『回归十周年前 艺术联展』 开幕座谈会

  Opening ceremony and talk with artists

  座谈会时间 / Time :

  11月15日(星期六/Saturday) 下午四时四十五分至六时半

  4:45-6:30p.m. 15 November 2008



  参展艺术家 / Participated Artist:

  李少庄 / Bianca LEI Sio Chong

  苏约翰 / João Ó Bruno Soares

  潘大谦 / Pan Ta-Chien, Ray

  百 强 / Pekeong Fortes Sequeira

  黄家龙 / Wong Ka Long

  杨子健 / Kent, Ieong Chi Kin

  何仲仪 / Joey Ho

  威光良 / Ray Granlund

  简佩茵 / Kan Pui Ian

  李绮琪 / Gigi Lee Yee Kee (策展人 / Curator)

  主办 / Organization:

  婆仔屋艺术空间 / Old Ladies' House Art Space

  赞助 / Sponsor:

  民政总署/ IACM


  文化局/ ICGM

  地点 / Venue:

  牛房仓库 / Ox Warehouse


  No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau

  开放时间 / Opening time:(12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)

  巴士路线 / Bus Line : 1,1A,3,3A,4,5,6,7,8,8A,9,9A,16,17,23,25,26,26A,28C,32,33,34

  查询 / For enquiry:

  28530026 (12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)

  传真/ Fax:28533047

  E –mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com



  +3dB Asia Tour


  主办 / Organization:

  婆仔屋艺术空间 / Old Ladies' House Art Spac

  亚洲传声/Noise Asia


  演出时间/Time:8:00pm 22-11-2008

  门票/ticket:MOP $80

  (牛房之友、边度有书之友及学生可享MOP$65票价优惠, 购票时须出示有效证件)

  (Special ticket purchase at MOP$65 are open for Friends of Ox WareHouse,Pinto Livros and studies.Please present vaild ID during purchase)

  现埸不设划位 Seats are not assigned

  地点 / Venue:

  牛房仓库 / Ox Warehouse


  No Cruzamento entro a Avenida do Coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau

  查询 / For enquiry:

  28530026 (12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)

  传真/ Fax:28533047

  E –mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com


  this concert is supported by the Norwegian Ministry of foreign affairs

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