视而不见——迪特·容个展 Unvisible --- Visible: Solo Show of Dieter Jung
展览时间:2008年9月4日 — 25日 主办机构:北京今日美术馆 展览地点: 今日美术馆二号馆一层展厅 展览地址:北京朝阳区百子湾路32号苹果社区4号楼今日美术馆 开馆时间:每天10:00-17:00
Duration: 4th -25th September, 2008 Venue: The 1st floor exhibition hall of building No.2
It is the rainbows, mirages, reflections on glass, occasional bending of sunlight, floating shadows and other seemingly ordinary but somehow unfamiliar natural phenomena that set off Dieter Jung’s immense creativity. What Jung perceives from these phenomena forms the cornerstone of his art. He attempts to explore the truth of life in his works by representing his experiences with the transitions and transformations of light and shadow and sharing with the world what he finds touching and inspiring.
He applies light and laser beams as his paints, and prisms, glass and screens as the canvas. With varying combinations of primary colors with circular, triangular and square structures, Jung has created a garden of light, luminous with flowing colors in which he would guides viewers to experience a trip of mystery back to the origins of art and, hence, to the truth of life lying behind light and shadow.