Xiong Wenyun
Moving Rainbow
Qiang Nation Village
Sichuan ProvinceNo[1]
3, 1999
2008年5月12 日,四川省发生7.8级强烈地震,已有超过万人被震灾夺去生命。灾难波及范围之广,损失之严重,无不令人震惊和心痛!为了帮助受灾民众度过难关,重建家园,也为了团结周围的朋友为救援活动尽一份力,三影堂摄影艺术中心即日起将联合各方力量,行动起来,为受灾民众举办筹款活动。此次活动将以捐款、义卖和无声拍卖的形式在三影堂第四展厅进行。三影堂摄影艺术中心将于5月25日举办特别筹款聚会,并无偿提供摄影作品、签名出版物、摄影课程等参加义卖和无声拍卖会,同时设立捐款箱募集善款。三影堂号召广大艺术家和创意人士捐赠作品和有意义的物品参加此次活动。筹得所有款项将交由中国红十字总会转交给受灾地区的民众。
[专稿] 三影堂摄影艺术中心救援筹款行动
目前已有以下艺术家倾情捐赠:荣荣和映里、阿斗(四川籍)、熊文韵(四川籍,作于1999年汶川布瓦山羌寨的珍贵摄影)、赵亮、丘、黄磊、高波(四川籍)、何云昌、何岸、莫毅、蒋志、于泊公、Alberto Garcia-Alix……
其他捐赠者包括作家虹影(四川籍)和Adam Williams等人(现场签名珍藏版著作)、Wild China 旅行社(平遥三日游)、三影堂摄影师林梦洁和刘垣(一对一暗房技术课程)、毕一莎女士(食品与首饰)、Mrs. Shanen’s (绿色食品)、Chef Meng(晚餐)、Catherine de France (发型设计)、Pauze & Associates (葡萄酒)……
特别展览:5月16日-5月25日,10点- 18点(周一休息)
筹款聚会:5月25日(星期日)下午3点- 6点
咨询热线(每日10点 - 18点):
陈吟(中文)64319063 * 8019
董晓安(英文)64319063 * 8004
Three Shadows
Sichuan Earthquake Benefit
On May 12th 2008, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck China’s Sichuan province. With over 10,000 victims, the scope and scale of this tragedy has shocked people all over the world. In response, Three Shadows is bringing together friends and family for a united effort benefiting the earthquake victims. A fundraiser, including charity sale and silent auction, will take place in Three Shadows’ fourth exhibition hall, concluding with a special benefit event on Sunday, May 25th. In addition to a donation box for collections, Three Shadows has called upon its widespread network of artists and creative individuals for artwork, signed publications, and special classes to donate to the charity sale and silent auction. All profits from the event will be given to the China Red Cross for earthquake disaster relief.
When one person is in trouble, many people can help. Three Shadows hopes you’ll get involved!
The Three Shadows Fundraiser is accepting donations for the charity sale and silent auction immediately. Any items – artworks, books, gift certificates, etc. – are welcome. Beginning on May 16th, Three Shadows will exhibit the donated items in the exhibition hall. Items will be collected through May 25th, the day of the Sichuan Earthquake Benefit. Please contact Three Shadows to coordinate donations.
The following artists have generously donated works:
RongRong & inri
Adou (Sichuan native)
Xiong Wenyun (Sichuan native, donating a 1999 photograph from Wenchuan county, the earthquake epicenter)
Zhao Liang
Huang Lei
Gao Bo (Sichuan native)
He Yunchang
He An
Mo Yi
Jiang Zhi
Yu Bogong
Alberto Garcia-Alix
In addition, other items already donated include:
Signed books by writers Hong Yin (Sichuan native) and Adam Williams
Three-day tour of Pingyao by Wild China journeys
A One-on-One Darkroom Tutorial with photographers Chip Rountree and Liu Yuan (English or Chinese)
Truffles and jewelry by Isabelle
Dinner for four prepared at your home by Chef Meng
Haircut and style by Catherine de France
Wine by Pauze and Associates
Organic Vegetarian Food by Mrs. Shanen’s
Special Exhibit: May 16-25th, 10am-6pm (closed Mondays)
Sichuan Earthquake Benefit: Sunday, May 25th, 3-6pm
For more information:
Stephanie Tung (English): 64319063 ext 8004
Chen Yin (Chinese): 64319063 ext 8019
Or visit our blog: http://3shadows.blogbus.com/
Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
May 15, 2008