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艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-03-07 10:14:43 | 文章来源: 艺术中国




  the:artist:network director Marc Hungerbuhler would like to cordially invite you to the "CRITICAL MASS" opening this Saturday, March 8th, at 4 pm.

  This exhibition features the works of 35 diverse artists from 14 nationalities. we have conceived of the inaugurate show "CRITICAL MASS" as a part survey, part cross section of CONTEMPORARY work produced in Beijing today.

  "CRITICAL MASS"is organized, curated by Marc Hungerbuhler director of the:artist:network new york, co-curated by Zhu Qi (last years curatorial director of the 798 arts festival), Zhang Zaohui (alias Joey Chang) curator, critic and director of Joye Chang Art, Laetitia Gauden director of Imagine

  Gallery and Huang Yan, renown artist and philanthropist, founder of HYCAC.

  "CRITICAL MASS" is the inauguration exhibition of the Huang Yan Contemporary Art Center (HYCAC), who s primary mission is to foster intercultural exchange. the:artist:network, is a New York based arts organization that curates and executes international art exhibitions and hosts an artist in residency program in partnership with HYCAC.

  Three performances by Martin Renteria, Mexico
  Jeff Gompertz,USA & Yoko Taketani, Japan
  Megumi Shimizi, Japan

will accompany the opening reception starting at 4:30
We would be very pleased to welcome you at HYCAC
Alexandra at: 13522171371
With best regards,
Alexandra Hungerbuhler
Co-director the:artist:network
Map, invite front and back
List of artists:
Judas Arrieta, Spain
Jeanette Doyle, Irland
Jeff Gompertz , U.S.A.
Wolfgang Stiller, Germany
Feixue Li, China
Ali Loewenstein, Germany
Martin Wehmer, Germany
Nicoykatiuschka, Chile
Remy Amezcua, Mexico
Yoko Taketani, Japan
Roman Deingruber, Czech Republic
Ma Yongfeng, China
Li Wei, China
Li Yongbin, China
Martin Renteria, Mexico
Wang Nanfei, China
Hu Jun, China
Wu Yiqiang, China
Chen Fengxu, China
Mao Yiyun, China
Zhang Xingwang, China
Den Nanxiang, China
Russell Beighton, England
Shen Jingdong, China
Thoma Ryse, France
Kristiina Koskentola, Finnland
Hao Nan, China
Megumi Shimizu, Japan
Petter Kveseth, Norway
Cao Yuanming, China
Ju Duoqi, China
Su Zhe, China
Huang Shipeng, China
Han Wenhua, China

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