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O的旅程艺术展——驻中国牙买加大使Wayne McCook

艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-03-04 14:55:20 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

  Bryan"自行车,金字塔与蛋”—— O的旅程"艺术展——驻中国牙买加大使H.T.Wayne McCook”

  众多具有创作才华的人们让牙买加为世界文化所作出的贡献远远超过它的国土面积。在歌曲,舞蹈,绘画和雕塑等方面的成就得到国际认可并载入史册。从这个岛上最早的居民-泰诺人的石板画和雕塑,到Bryan McFarlane的油画,从古老的歌曲到传扬世界的民族音乐之父鲍勃•马利(Bob Marley) 的自由之歌。这些显示我们民族的艰苦斗争,痛苦的劳役,成功胜利的绘画,和里程碑式的音乐旋律一定会冲破任何界限,赢得来自世界人民的掌声。

  文化的交流将不同文化背景下的人们连接在一起,并提醒我们,虽然我们生活在这个星球的不同角落,但是我们拥有共同的人性。Bryan Mcfarlane这样的艺术家通过从这个角度表现我们的同一性。Bryan Mcfarlane在牙买加的成长经历给了他最早的艺术灵感和创作经验,使他能够作为一名艺术家尝试表现人类的经历,他在中国的创作也是植根于此的。鸡蛋已经是他作品中的主要题材,而自行车的运用体现了他对中国的理解,这两个题材深刻重要的体现了在不同国土上建立的和谐。

  牙买加大使馆始终希望能够通过文化交流加深中牙两国的友好关系。在中牙建交35年之际,Bryan Mcfarlane此次展出的作品也是中牙建交之旅中重要的一步。

  我相信此次展览定会通过Bryan McFarlane的作品使更多人了解牙买加的创造力。中国的观众会通过此次展览更好的了解牙买加精神,以及牙买加艺术家将民族文化同他在中国的经历的结合。

  Wayne McCook

  The exhibition"Bicycles,Pyramids and Egg Axis" —a Circular Journey of Bryan_____Message from H.E.Wayne McCook ambassador of Jamaica to the People's Republic of China

J  amaica has been blessed by an abundance of creative talent that has enabled it to make a contribution to global culture far exceeding its size. Its evolution as a society has been chronicled in song and dance, images and figures - from the rock etchings and the stone figures of the Tainos who first inhabited the island to the oil paintings of Bryan McFarlane, from the work songs of the past to the songs of Freedom globalised by the Hon Robert “Bob” Marley O.M. - the struggles and the successes, the triumphs and the travails of the Jamaican experience are manifested in glorious strokes of colour, polished monuments of timeless value and lyrics and music that transcend all boundaries.

  Cultural expression has been the great cement that connects peoples of divergent backgrounds and reminds all that we share a common humanity, simply occupying different places on the same planet. It is into this space that artists like Bryan Mcfarlane come to remind us of our “oneness”. In the branches of his works that have come to flourish in China he draws upon the roots that have been firmly planted in Jamaica where his early inspiration and training as an artist equipped him for his global quest to interpret human experiences as an artist. His works celebrating the egg, which has been fundamental to his work, and the bicycle which has become a symbol of his engagement with China, are impressive and important expressions of the harmony that can be found across different communities.

  The Embassy of Jamaica has relied heavily on cultural initiatives to help build even deeper links between Jamaica and China. The exhibition of works being presented by Bryan Mcfarlane is yet another step in this process building on the exhibition “Journeys” that was presented in celebration of 35 years of Diplomatic relations between Jamaica and China in which fittingly Bryan Mcfarlane’s work was a vital part.

  I am confident that the exhibition will open the eyes of many to the creative strength of the Jamaican artist manifested through the work of Bryan McFarlane. I am sure that Chinese audience will through this exhibition come to better understand the spirit of Jamaica and the deep connection that the artist has found between the roots of his work in Jamaica and its branches now emerging here in China.

  Wayne McCook

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