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艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-02-04 22:46:47 | 文章来源: 美术同盟







开幕酒会:2008年2月29日(星期五) 下午3点—6点


展览地点:千高原艺术空间(成都),四川省成都市芳沁街87号 邮编:610041


电话:+86(0)28 8515 8238/8512 6358

传真:+86(0)28 8515 8238





        长此以往地,知识分子作为文化研究的生产力量而存在。当代我们期望找到一些能与传统知识分子(traditional intellectuals)相对应——不回避传播知识观念的责任,也即是不断反思自我精神及一切现象世界的知识分子特例。这也即是葛兰西·安东尼奥(Antonio Gramsci)提到的“有机知识分子”(organic intellectuals)。

        千高原艺术空间(A Thousand Plateaus Art Space)出品的“多元事实:何多苓、何工、师进滇”作品展,选择在展览呈现中体现出他们作为“有机知识分子”的面貌,而他们的作品所带来的多元事实则允许所有观众按照自我的理解尺度去畅想作品。“千高原”(A Thousand Plateaus)作为呈现之场所,能做的是在策略上的、临时性的诠释本质,更多的是设想让出弹性空间,给观众参与思考的自由。因而,如是的构成作品的“多元事实”(multiple truths)。


Multiple Truths: He Duoling, He Gong and Shi Jindian

Director: A Thousand Plateaus Art Space

Artists: He Duoling, He Gong and Shi Jindian

Academic critics: Wang Lin, Guan Yuda and Qi Lan

Publication: “Multiple Truths: He Duoling, He Gong and Shi Jindian”

Opening Reception: 2008.02.29 (Friday) 3pm-6pm

Exhibition Time: 2008.02.29 – 2008.03.31

Address: A Thousand Plateaus Art Space Chengdu

87 Fangqin Jie, Chengdu

Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10:30 – 18:30

Tel.: +86 (0)28 8515 8238 8512 6358

Fax: +86 (0)28 8515 8238

Email: info@1000plateaus.org

Web: www.1000plateaus.org


Intellectuals are since time memorial the productive power behind cultural research. We now wish to touch upon some specific cases of intellectuals who - in contrast to the traditional intellectuals - don’t abdicate their responsibility of intellectual propagation, continuous self- introspection and reflection on the worldly phenomena. This is what Antonio Gramsci calls “organic intellectuals”.

The exhibition Multiple Truths: He Duoling, He Gong and Shi Jindian, directed by A Thousand Plateaus Art Space seeks to reveal the ‘organic intellectual’ faces of these three artists. The multiple truths brought to light by their works allow people to indulge in their own thoughts following their own understanding and interpretation of the artworks. ‘A Thousand Plateaus’ as the room where the artworks are being exposed, wants to provide an elastic space with a tactful and provisional annotating character, where people can give free reign to their thoughts and where the multiple truths of the artworks are consequently being generated.



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