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艺术中国 | 时间: 2007-12-02 23:08:33 | 文章来源: 美术同盟









参展艺术家/诗人:Chath Pier Sath(柬埔寨),杜杲,沙莎,余地,和丽斌,张翔武,邹昆凌,黄佑华,雷燕+宋梓萍,孙国娟,李峰,李想,Dan Froberg(瑞典),Marjan Verhaeghe(比利时),周雷,李有杰,程良春,刘军,吴月泉,高云飞,李旭,窦宇,张永正



        “蔓延的爱”是TCG 诺地卡持续3年对艾滋病进行社会关怀的公益项目,发起文化艺术活动以此引起人们对艾滋病的关注。并在这个过程中搭建艺术家、诗人等文化工作者与艾滋关怀工作者以及艾滋病人之间的桥梁,促成他们之间的彼此认识与理解。今年我们与24位中国、柬埔寨、比利时以及瑞典等国的诗人、艺术家合作,以文学与艺术的方式共同关注艾滋病。并于今年艾滋病日12月1日举办展览,这个展览将呈现文学艺术工作者对艾滋现象在社会、人文、思想、关怀等领域的思考与讨论,另一方面,我们也将看到文学艺术工作者在创作语言和材料上,展示出有关文学在视觉展示层面上惊人的创造力。


Contagious Love 2007:Artistic reflections on the HIV/Aids situation in China

exhibition opening:December 1st,2007,20:00

exhibition duration:December 1st–31st,2007

Add:TCG Nordica gallery,Xibalu 101#,Kunming


Sponsor:Xiao Rong

Curator:Luo Fei


Chath Pier Sath(Cambodia),Du Gao,Sha Sha,Yu Di,He Libin,Zhang Xiangwu,Zou Kunling,Huang Youhua,Lei Yan+Song Ziping,Sun Guojuan,Li Feng,Li Xiang,Dan Froberg(Sweden),Marjan Verhaeghe(Belgium),Zhou Lei,Li Youjie,Nina Cheng,Liu Jun,Wu Yuequan,Gao Yunfei,Li Xu,Dou Yu,Zhang Yongzheng


Kunming City HIV Center

Yunnan Provincial Oil Painting Association

Red Cross House of Humanity, Malmo,Sweden

Noaks Ark, Malmo, Sweden

In Chinese minds, 'aids' is still something kept as a 'non-of-my-business' concept. There are few people who understand and care about the fact that this disease increases so fast, and has become a threat to the whole world. Because of the nature of Chinese culture it has been a hidden problem, resulting in even higher risks. It is difficult to talk about matters of who is infected, how and where it has been passed on, and how to stop it. Even now, when people take action and establish some works to help affected people, and control the spread, it is still difficult to know what is going to happen in the coming 10 years.

In China, art, music and culture has a very special ability to communicate and mediate messages. People are used to this way of getting information and understand different issues. Artists can speak a heart-to-heart language where age, gender and cultural differences do not matter.

"Contagious Love " is the TCG Nordica sustained three years of the AIDS community care nonprofit projects, initiated cultural and arts activities to arouse people's attention to AIDS. In this process artists, poets and other cultural workers together with HIV/AIDS care workers and the infected people get connected, the project builds a bridge between these people and promotes a mutual understanding between them. This year 24 poets and artists from China, Cambodia, Belgium and Sweden, and other countries. They use art and words as a language to show great concern about HIV/AIDS.



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