劳伦斯·席勒摄影作品展 798 PHOTO GALLERY
劳伦斯•席勒摄影作品展The Photography of Lawrence Schiller 梦露与六十年代的美国Marilyn Monroe and America in the 1960s

One of the most significant photo exhibitions to document America in the turbulent 1960s, which also includes images of the American icon Marilyn Monroe, opens to the public on September 29th, 2007. The exhibition is an unequaled historical perspective of the 1960s in America as captured by the legendary photographer, writer and director Lawrence Schiller, and will bring to the Chinese people a perspective of America never exhibited before in China.
The photographs on display at the exhibition document one of the most difficult periods in America history, one that started with optimism and ended in chaos. It was 10 years of turmoil and exploration. Marilyn Monroe sang “Happy Birthday” to President Kennedy; Kennedy stared down the Russians over missiles in Cuba and was then assassinated the following year. Cassius Clay captured the heavy weight title and changed his name to Muhammad Ali. Martin Luther King, Jr., had a dream. The antiwar protestors saw hope in Eugene McCarthy and Bobby Kennedy, but hope was stopped when Kennedy was killed. The decade began with the election of John F. Kennedy and ended with Richard Nixon. Throughout this turbulent decade, whenever a headline making news event occurred, Lawrence Schiller was there.
In the 1960s, Mr. Schiller’s works appeared in leading publications throughout the world. During the mid 1970s he turned to writing and film directing. His books, films and collaborations have won an Academy Award (Oscar), 7 Television Emmys, numerous New York Times bestseller listings and a Pulitzer Prize. In addition, Mr. Schiller has been awarded the prestigious National Press Photographer’s Association Award, the Graflex Award, the Catholic Church’s Christopher Award, the Film Advisory Board Award and the USA Film Festival Award. His works have been exhibited at New York’s Lincoln Center, and the Berlin Film Festival. He was a representative from the United States to the Moscow International Peace Forum.
Mr. Schiller’s interest in China started in 2005 when he first visited and began to document China’s modern history from 1933 to 2001, as told through the eyes of China’s contemporary artists, and their fathers and mothers.
开幕时间:2007年9月29日15:00 展期:2007年9月29日至10月20日 电话:010-64381784/64375284 电邮:798@798photogallery.cn 网址:www.798photogallery.cn 地址:北京朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798工厂内大山子艺术区百年印象摄影画廊
Opening time: Sep 29 3:00pm ,2007 Exhibition time: Sep 29,2007 –Oct 20, 2007 Tel:8610-64381784/64375284 www.798photogallery.cn Add:No4,Jiu xianqiao road,Chao Yang district, BeiJing. DIRECTION: 798 PHOTO GALLERY
798PHOTOGALLERY www.798photogallery.cn E-mail:798@798photogallery.cn Tel:010-64381784 Fax:010-64375284 |