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艺术中国 | 时间: 2008-05-13 09:19:37 | 文章来源: 艺术中国






  The Landscape of History and Soul

  Shi Ruo’s (师若) work “My Landscape Shang (殇)” series derives from the early 90’s.

  The original meaning of Shang is “people die young before growing up to adults.” In the context of “Guo Shang”, the word can also mean those who die young in the battlefield for their motherland.

  In this series, the photographing of the graveyard and monument built for those who died in “3.18” massacre, indicates a persistent search and lamentation for the national spirit, which has already been degenerated. The focus on this historical relic is also a personal spiritual cult. Therefore the dark-room serves as an unknown nether world for the artist, in which the artist encounters the souls of the prematurely dead and condoles them. The “Once-being” of those premature dead leads to an impossible fusion of the present and the past in the process of photographic development. The fusion of the present space and the past time, the desolate landscape of the graveyard reveals the absence of the souls of the deceased. Only the pregnant message of the desolation can enable us to gain an insight into the poetic truth conveyed by the work, which is both remote and clear, tragic and tranquil. The artist, with the subtle touch of brush on the photograph, creates a snowy scenery which intensifies the unreality of the reality and produces a holy “Aura” for this work. The “Painted Photograph” is not a simple mixture of oil painting and photograph. It’s a profound questioning upon the reproductions of photograph. Arts are originated from rite and religion, possess of an intrinsic function of rituality. The image and mimesis of photograph can on the one hand enrich the human visual experience and expressional method and broaden the horizon of perception. On the other hand, it is also a gloomy omen of apocalyptic catastrophes, in which everything in this world degenerates into copy and image without archetype or reference. Therefore the artistic works which have lost their “Aura”, prevail over the real. In the flippant and worrying context of “fragmentary present of the history” (Jameson), in the visualized reality, Shi Ruo attempts to restore the spirituality in harmony with the will to life, in the melting-point cultural resources and visual materials. Undoubtedly, the photograph of the graveyard opens up the space, which has been concealed by the forgettable mass and penetrates into a symbolic and poetical world of elegy.

  Shi Ruo has absorbed the creative ethos of the German artist Anselm Kiefer, who attempts to salvage the national culture from a spiritual ruin. Both of them create an existential reality out of nothingness with a heavy synthetic material, inherit a historical authenticity through exorcising evil spirits and purification, refuse the bondage of tradition and transform the collective hope, guilt and fear into a ritual. Inspired by the poetic films of the Russian film-director Tarkovsky, Shi Ruo makes the holy, tragic history dissolve into the body and the soul through the description of desolately enchanting landscape.

Dao Zi

  “3.18” massacre: Thousands of college students in Beijing hold a demonstration to claim the state sovereignty on March 18 1926. The policemen shot at them in front of the gate of the government.

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