姓 名:吴晓明 安徽省芜湖书画院专职画家、国家高级美术师、芜湖市美术家协会理事。
性 别:男 出生年月:1965年7月 毕业院校:1990年毕业于安徽师范大学美术系油画专业 2006-2008年中央美术学院油画系材料艺术工作室 展览与收藏:作品《新声》、《俑。恒》入选全国美展,另多次入选安徽省油画展览,曾获铜奖,优秀奖。 多幅作品被上海艺术机构收藏另有多幅作品在德国、新加坡、日本等国家展出并被收藏
Resume of Wuxiaoming
Name: Wuxiaoming (A Professional painter of Wuhu painting and calligraphy yard in Anhui Province, the high-grade artist of country, and the member of Wuhu Artists’ Association.) Sex: Male Birth: July, 1965
Education: Graduated from Oil Painting Specialty of Art Department in Anhui Normal University. He also has been studying at Material Art Studio of Oil Painting Department in Central Institute of Fine Arts since 2006.
Exhibition and Collection: His art work “New voice” and “Figures, Persisitent” were selected in National Art Fair, as well as in the Art Fair of Anhui Province and had been awarded the Copper Prize and Excellent Prize. Plenty of his art work were collected by Art Units in Shanghai and some other ones were collected and exhibited in Germany, Singapore, Japan and other countries. |