



时间:   2022-12-07 19:09:15    |   来源:    艺术中国
展讯 >



展览时间:2022年12月10日 - 2023年1月8日

展览地点:ICI LABAS 艺栈,798东街艺术区 

我的镜子2 Mon Miroir-2

万 化 之 相


我们非常高兴为大家带来芬兰学者Fred Dervin的画展KASVOT万化之相。在芬兰语中,KASVOT是复数名词,表意为脸,它是Fred本次展览的核心内容,是他对个人随时间、场域、环境变换所带来的身份转换及其所呈现出的面相的芬兰式表达。


1953年,设计师Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmasniemi在Armi Ratia创立于1951年的芬兰设计品牌Marimekko的工作中设计出了一款手绘图案条纹面料:Piccolo。这种条纹元素被Fred Dervin认为是个体身份复杂性、包容性、多样性与多变性的视觉象征而加以运用。Marimekko品牌的另一重要设计元素为绽放的巨大花朵,其灵感来源或可从1913年在巴黎首演的伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基(Igor Stravinsky)的芭蕾舞剧《春之祭(The Rite of Spring)》中找到线索,Fred 认为这部伟大作品中那些尖锐、紧张和突如其来的音响,表达出了北半球寒带地区的自然从冰雪之下展露头脚到春天到来时的狂野和人群的爆炸性喜悦。Fred画面中脸部背后的各种色点、螺旋线即被赋予了类似的内在认知活动与身份转化的意象。



Fred Dervin的祖辈来自欧洲四个不同的民族,强势的有德国血统的妈妈主导他从6岁起即接受严格的精英教育,在6—16岁的少年期,Fred每在学校学习六个月可回家待上两周,这塑造了他对于知识狂热渴望的性格与对于感情独立与依赖的矛盾情绪。他常常以法国作家居斯塔夫·福楼拜(Gustave Flaubert)所著的《布瓦尔与佩杜歇》(Bouvard et Pécuchet)中的布瓦尔,以及源自意大利喜剧并成为20世纪初法国戏剧界核心人物的小丑皮埃罗(Pierrot)自比。或许很少有人知道宗教在芬兰扮演着很重要的角色,尽管Fred声称当时的宗教教育对于他是乏味的,但他却始终抱持着对陀思妥耶夫斯基(Dostoyevsky)在《白痴(The Idiot)》中塑造的梅什金公爵(Prince Myshkin)的道德认同。他们都有点天真而幼稚,有一点愚蠢。



Fred旅居于世界各地,教授跨文化领域的知识,并在这种跨文化的背景中对身份问题进行持续的追问。即将步入知天命之年的 Fred 与中国学者合作多年。每次访问中国,他每天都会去邮局给他在芬兰的祖母寄一张明信片——这是纯真和爱的象征,或者某种程度上可以与宗教的救赎感相媲美。展出的画作从2020年到2022年,邀请观众进入一个令人困惑但永无止尽的身份之旅。



Journey Through Ten Thousand Faces


It is a pleasure to introduce Finland scholar Fred Dervin’s exhibition KASVOT – A Journey Through Ten Thousand Faces. KASVOT, a plural noun in the Finnish language, means face, and it is at the heart of Fred’s exhibition. The use of the Finnish word hints at the temporal, spatial and ecological transformations of our identity, symbolized by the complexity of our faces.

我的镜子6 Mon Miroir-6


In 1953, designer Vuokko Eskolin-Nurmasniemi produced the hand-drawn Piccolo striped fabric for the Finnish Design House Marimekko founded in 1951 by Armi Ratia. This stripe element is considered by Fred Dervin to be a visual symbol of the complexity, inclusivity, diversity and variability of individual identities. Another iconic design element of the Marimekko brand is large blooming (poppy) flowers, which could have been inspired by the loud, tense and abrupt sound of Igor Stravinsky’s ballet The Rite of Spring, which premiered in Paris in 1913. For Fred, this great piece of music articulates well the wild nature of the northern hemisphere when snow and ice leave the floor to the wildness and explosive joy of the crowds at the arrival of spring. The variety of colorful dots and spirals accompanying Fred’s faces in the art pieces are endowed with a similar imagery of internal mental activities and identity transformations.



Fred Dervin’s diverse cultural heritage from four European countries, and his strong mother of German descent, led him to receive a strict elite education from the age of 6. As an adolescent, Fred was allowed to return home every six months, just for two weeks, which shaped his insatiable thirst for knowledge and his ambivalence about emotional in-/dependence. Until today he has often returned to the French writer Gustave Flaubert’s Bouvard and Pécuchet for inspiration. In a similar vein, he has often found solace in the figure of Pierrot, the clown who originated in Italian Commedia Dell’Arte and became a central figure in French theater in the early 20th century. Few people may know that religion plays an important role in Finland, and although Fred claims that religious education was uninspiring to him, morally, he has identified with Dostoyevsky’s Prince Myshkin in The Idiot. Bouvard and Pécuchet, Pierrot and Myshkin are all a little naïve, childish and foolish.



Fred has lived in different countries, teaching and researching interculturality, constantly questioning identities. Fred, who will soon be in the youth of old age, has cooperated with Chinese scholars for many years. Every time he visits China, he will go to the post office every day to send a postcard to his grandmother in Finland – another symbol of innocence and love or a redemptive feeling somehow comparable to religion. The paintings on display are from 2020 to 2022 and invite the viewer to a confusing and yet never-ending journey through identity.



A renowned scholar in the field of intercultural communication and education, Fred Dervin (Chinese name: 文德 Wende) is also an artist. He holds two PhDs (Sorbonne University in Paris and University of Turku, Finland), is a full professor and PhD supervisor at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Dervin also holds several distinguished and visiting professorships in Australia, Canada, China, Luxembourg, Malaysia and Sweden, as well as in other Finnish universities. Dervin has published internationally on questions of identity, interculturality and mobility/migration (over 150 articles and 80 books). His interest in art began when he was a teenager and has continued to grow over the decades. Since the early 2010s, he has produced artworks in Finland and China to showcase his scientific ideas. His commitment to the arts has also influenced his personal research (e.g. the benefits of arts education for intercultural communication). For decades he has collected and specialized in Finnish art from the mid-20th century and since 2015 he has been actively involved in producing his own art in relation to his research work. In his 2022 book entitled Interculturality in Fragments: A Reflexive Approach (Springer), he included 10 of his works of art to stimulate his readers to think beyond words about intercultural communication and education. He is just about to publish a book on art and interculturality in education (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023).

Dervin is interested in the complexity of depicting faces in his art by using different techniques. Interestingly, the Finnish word ‘face’, ‘kasvot’, always appears in the plural, which piqued his curiosity about the human face. This interest also comes from his scientific research on identity and intercultural communication, as well as his experience of living in different parts of the world.



