

艺术中国 | 时间:2010-06-30 16:17:59 | 文章来源:艺术中国

Algeria Artist Hamid Bouteldja Solo Exhibition

Opening Reception: 2010.06.26(Sat.)15:00

Exhibition Time: 2010.06.26——2010.07.01

Venue: Thread Gallery (706North first street 798 Art Zone, Jiuxianqiao Street, Chaoyang district,Beijing)

From ours lifes we always see the light .this light show us one way.bring for us new knowledge and experience that we ignor.in my feelings I believe that human face is a light…is a secret …bright in every human face.so I try always to express this light of ours selfs in difirent way in my art .using bright color and dark color to express also difirent views of human faces.from happiness to sadness and the moments interesting in ours lifes .women face or man face are both full of secret and emotions .so I like some times to mix both faces together. And use difirent way with difirent ticnic in this abstract art .



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