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艺术中国 | 时间: 2009-11-13 15:57:53 | 文章来源: 艺术中国


Carsten Nicolai


Ivo Wessel, software developer and art collector, and Gerd Harry Lybke, a gallery owner, are launching their joint project: „art for mobile life“. Small applications, which are available in App Stores of the company Apple world wide, allow the art work to be experienced mobile. These "e-art-apps" are designed as a series for download in 80 countries on to iPhones and iPod Touch units. Created by several different artists each one is specifically programmed by Ivo Wessel in close collaboration with its creating artist for this global platform. The “e-art-apps” celebrate their premiere with the work rota by Carsten Nicolai and will be continued with further works by international acknowledged artists.


e-art-app no. 1:

Carsten Nicolai

rota, 2009

courtesy Galerie EIGEN + ART and PaceWildenstein

Preis 1,59 Euro / 1,99 $

The work rota is an experiment: it combines scientific research with artistic production. At this application different light frequencies and sounds can be triggered by the user, which can lead to specific effects on perception while reckoning the screen. Rota deals in this way with the impact of audio-visual stimulation on human perception and refers to the ideas of the Beatnik movement since the 50s. At that time Boris Gysin developed among other things a dream- or mind machine, to effectuate a mind expanding function through the production of alpha waves.

More information and graphical material can be found on the website of e-art-apps:



Galerie EIGEN + ART Berlin

Gerd Harry Lybke

Auguststrasse 26 . D - 10117 Berlin

Phone: +49.30.280 6605 . Fax: +49.30.280 6616 . mail to: berlin@eigen-art.com

Tuesday - Saturday 11am - 6pm

current show in Berlin

November 7 - December 19, 2009: Nina Fischer / Maroan el Sani

next show in Berlin

January 21 - March 20, 2010: Annelies Strba


Galerie EIGEN + ART Leipzig

Spinnereistrasse 7 . Halle 5 . D - 04179 Leipzig

Phone: +49.341.960 7886 . Fax: +49.341.225 4214 . mail to: leipzig@eigen-art.com

Tuesday - Saturday 11am - 6pm

current show in Leipzig

September 12 - December 19, 2009: Rémy Markowitsch

next show in Leipzig

January 16 - April 10, 2010: Akos Birkas


Artists represented by the Gallery:

Akos Birkas, Birgit Brenner, Martin Eder, Tim Eitel, Nina Fischer/Maroan el Sani, Stella Hamberg, Christine Hill, Joerg Herold, Uwe Kowski, Rémy Markowitsch, Maix Mayer, Carsten Nicolai, Olaf Nicolai, Neo Rauch, Ricarda Roggan, Yehudit Sasportas, David Schnell, Annelies Strba, Matthias Weischer.

Art Basel Miami Beach (03.12. - 06.12.2009)

The Armory Show, New York (04.03. - 07.03.2010)

Art Cologne (21.04. - 25.04.2010)

Art l41l Basel (16.06. - 20.06.2010)

Art Forum Berlin (24.09. - 27.09.2009)

Frieze Art Fair, London (15.10. - 18.10.2009)


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