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艺术中国 | 时间: 2007-11-11 19:03:01 | 文章来源: 视觉中国
'pachific minimal lounge' by fries&zumbühl. this seat aims to connect eastern sitting style with the comfort demands of western culture in a single piece lounger.
'chain' carpet by adrien rovero. unique carpet created to mimic a massive piece of chain-links.
'mutant edition pots' by polka products. a collection of pots that combine the basic cookware elements into new and interesting combinations.
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· 06广州国际设计周闭幕
· 2006伊斯坦布尔设计周
· 米兰2006家具展(设计周)
· 2007深圳工业设计周圆满闭幕
· 2006广州国际设计周《创意市集》邀请帖

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