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艺术中国 | 时间: 2006-08-25 09:13:09 | 文章来源: 插画中国


* The 2006 Global Student Animation Awards, Animation
* London International Awards, Advertising
* 2006 International Global Awards Competition, Advertising
* The Great Design Show: DESIGN | two, Graphic Design
* North Sydney Art Prize 2006, Fine Art
* International Photographer of the Year Competition, Photography
* Eulda * The European Logo Design Annual 2006, Graphic Design
* MUJI AWARD, Product Design

Simo Santavirta (芬兰,赫尔辛基)
Davide Melis (意大利,米兰)
Facalizer (意大利,萨勒诺)
Freddy Gomez, Amin Torres (美国,纽约)
TVM Studio (美国,纽约)
Work Rocks (乌克兰,第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克)
Septime Creation (法国)
Agata Kuczminska (波兰,卡托维兹)
Robinsson Uribe Echeverrithe (哥伦比亚,麦德林)
Jordan Noblet (法国)

Jean*Sebastien Rossbach (法国,巴黎)

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