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艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-05-04 11:11:58 | 文章来源: 艺术中国

Outdoor party露天《草地民谣》系列演出

Outdoor party露天《草地民谣》系列演出5月9号 星期日 Sunday


Soccer is the first _and in most times the only_ thing that comes to Chinese minds when they hear “Baxi”, the Mandarim expression for Brazil. Aware that Brazilian culture transcends the greenfields, a ecletic group of Chinese, Brazilians, Germans, Americans and Canadians decided to come together to show what else Brazil has. And in this way was born Pau Brasil, a group dedicated to create a Brazilian Day every month, in which people in Beijing can interact with Brazilian culture. It will be a day to listen to bossa nova, see the already classic SambAsia, take part in a capoeira workshop, see Brazilian movies and photography and dance at the sound of Brazilian pop music. 2 Kolegas is the perfect spot for that. It even has a green field, but we will play a different game on it. Is there a better way to celebrate Spring ?

每当提到“巴西”,通常印入我们脑海的第一件事情便是足球,其实巴西文化运远超越了绿茵场,为了展现她的魅力,一群来自中国,巴西,德国,美国与加拿大的朋友组建的Pau Brasil随之诞生了,这个小组将带来每月一天的巴西日,对于生活在北京的我们不用飞越至南半球就能参与,体验巴西文化。从聆听性感的bossa nova开始,到桑巴亚的激情四射的演出,你也可以学习巴西战舞,观看巴西电影,欣赏巴西摄影作品,随动感十足的巴西流行小曲摇摆。我们在两个好朋友酒吧的“绿茵场”上,享受属于热带的阳光,还有什么比这个更好的方法来迎接春天呢?



下午2点 2:00pm


门票Tickets : 50.00 RMB

预售票/学生票:30.00RMB (可通过电子邮件预定)paubrasil.beijing@hotmail.com


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