
北京9艺术空间位于中国画廊一条街 —— 观音堂文化大道62号,这个新兴的艺术市场不但聚集了50多家优秀的画廊,而还拥有良好的地理位置和优越的周边环境。约400平方米的面积,拥有独立两层的结构和明亮宽敞的空间,为展览展示中国当代优秀艺术精品提供了支持。 代理艺术家: 于小冬,尹坤,尹俊,刘保民,张东红,李继森,马越,萧瑟,纪晓峰,张建俊,武小川,刘曼华, 卢刚, 申大鹏, 邓称文, 祁峰, 支少卿。 开放时间:上午10点至下午5点 地址:北京市朝阳区王四营甲2号观音堂文化大道62号 邮编: 100023 电话: (8610) 6736 7781 传真: (8610) 6736 8490 网址: www.62art.com Email: gallery@62art.com
画廊代理画家作品 Beijing 9 Art Space is located at the No.62 Guanyintang Art Avenue. As the first and absolutely leading Gallery Street in China, Guanyintang Art Avenue gathers 50 most influential Chinese galleries. Prime location and easy circumstances make Guanyintang Art Avenue an ideal place for art lovers to visit. Beijing 9 Art Space has an area of 400 square meters. Two-story building makes the gallery bright and spacious. Its aim is to promote promising and talented Chinese artists to gain their deserved international recognition. Artists represented by 9 Art Space include: Yu Xiaodong, Yin Kun, Yin Jun, Liu Baomin, Zhang Donghong, Li Jisen, Ma Yue, Xiao Se, Ji Xiaofeng, Zhang Jianjun, Wu Xiaochuan, Liu Manhua, Lu Gang, Shen Dapeng, Deng Chengwen, Qi Feng, Zhi Shaoqing.
Business Hours: 10am-5pm Beijing 9 Art Space Address: No.62 Guanyintang Art Avenue, Wangsiying Chaoyang District Beijing 100023 China. Tel: (8610) 6736 7781 Fax: (8610) 6736 8490 Website: www.62art.com Email: gallery@62art.com