



时间: 2023-10-27 16:43:21 | 来源: 艺术中国
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孟舒(Meng Shu

艺术家简介 (800 字) 孟舒博士,1982 年出生于江苏,澳门居民。青年艺术家、策展人、研究学者。孟舒 1997 年考入中国美术学院附中,2005 年获南京艺术学院美术学学士学位,2008 年获中国美术学 院文学硕士学位,2016 年获哲学博士学位。2008 年至 2021 年期间先后任教澳门科技大学、 澳门大学、澳门理工大学,任硕士生导师,曾任疯堂 10 号创意园艺术总监。现任澳门镜湖 护理学院客座副教授。同时,还担任澳门江苏联谊会副理事长、中华文化产业促进会常务理 事、澳门雕塑学会顾问、上海交通大学创新设计中心研究员等职。为中国城市雕塑家协会会 员、上海科学艺术学会会员。 孟舒先后举办过 8 次个人艺术展览,受邀参加国际、国内当代艺术展览逾 50 次。主要 展览包括:2021“天地之心—孟舒当代玻璃艺术展”(苏州金鸡湖美术馆);2020 年受邀举 办“同尘和光—孟舒当代玻璃艺术展”(澳门青年艺术家推广计划)(澳门基金会主办,澳门 教科文中心);2019 年受邀参加澳门迄今最大规模艺术展览“Art Macao/艺文荟澳—澳门国 际艺术展”并担任策展人举办“天穹—孟舒当代玻璃艺术展”(澳门艺术博物馆、新葡京); 2022 年 11 月策划澳门首个国际玻璃艺术嘉年华“琉光异彩—澳门国际玻璃艺术展”;2018 年作为艺术家和执行策展人在南京(侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆)举办了历时 6 个月展期的“痛的沉淀与超越”国际当代艺术展;2014 年至今先后担任“城市记忆:澳门 国际当代插画大赛”第一至六届总策展人,策划了多项国际艺术展览和活动。 多年来,孟舒倾力于创作当代吹制玻璃艺术作品,取得了优异成绩。其艺术作品先后被 国内外多个国家级美术馆/博物馆、专业性艺术机构及知名企业及个人收藏。2008 年陶瓷艺 术作品被中国美术学院永久收藏,2019 年玻璃艺术作品“天地之心”被中国美术馆永久收 藏,玻璃艺术作品“白夜”被东京中国文化中心(日本)永久收藏并公开展示。与此同时, 孟舒还致力于艺术理论研究,主持完成了数个艺术类科研项目及发表中、英文学术论文数十 篇,出版专著《孟舒:同尘和光》(2020 年)。此外,孟舒还获得了“2022 年度国家艺术基 金”项目并结项,是澳门首批获得该项目的艺术家。

 Dr. Meng Shu, born in 1982 in Jiangsu Province and residing in Macao, is a young artist, curator  and scholar. In 1997, Meng Shu was admitted into the Affiliated High School of China Academy of  Art. She received her bachelor’s degree in arts from Nanjing University of the Arts in 2005 and  master’s degree in arts from China Academy of Art in 2008. In 2016 she successfully obtained her  doctorate in philosophy from Soochow University. Currently she is the Art Director of 10  Fantasia-A Creative Industries Incubator (Macao) and visiting associate professor of Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau. From 2008 to 2021, she successively worked at Macau University of  Science and Technology, University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic University and City University of  Macau, as supervisor of master’s candidates. Also, she is the vice-director of Macau Jiangsu  Friendship Association, standing director of Chinese Cultural Industries Promotion Association,  consultant of Macao Sculpture Association, researcher of the International Center for Innovation  and Design of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, member of Chinese Urban Sculpture Artists  Association as well as Shanghai Science and Art Society. To date, Meng Shu has held seven solo art exhibitions and been invited to over 50 contemporary  art exhibitions at home and abroad. Her main exhibitions are as follows. In2022, she was invited  to hold The Universe in Us: Contemporary Glass Art Exhibition by Meng Shu(Suzhou). In 2020,  she was invited to hold With Dust With Light: Contemporary Glass Art Exhibition by Meng Shu  (Macao Young Artists Promotion Project, sponsored by Macao Foundation) in Macao. In 2022 she  curated the first glass art festival in Macao— “Dazzling Glow: Macao International Glass Art  Festival" in Macao. In 2019, she was invited to the largest art exhibition in Macao to date—Art  Macao: International Art Exhibition (at Macao Museum of Art), and curated Celestial Sphere:  Contemporary Glass Art Exhibition by Meng Shu. In 2018, as executive curator, she held Memory  and Release of the Pain: Contemporary Art Exhibition in Nanjing (at the Memorial Hall of the  Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders), lasting for six months. Since 2014 she has  been the chief curator of the first to sixth City Memory: Macao International Contemporary Illustrations Competition. In addition, she has curated dozens of art exhibitions in Macao and  other places. Over the years, while creating arts of various kinds, Meng Shu has devoted herself to the creation  of contemporary glass artworks and made considerable achievements. Her works have been  successively collected by many national galleries/museums, professional art institutions,  renowned enterprises and individuals. In 2008, her ceramic artwork What do U Really Want? was  collected by China Academy of Art as permanent collection; in 2019, The Universe in Us was  collected by National Art Museum of China as permanent collection and The White Night was  exhibited at China Cultural Center in Tokyo (Japan) and collected as permanent collection.  Meanwhile, she is committed to the research of art theory and has successfully conducted  several art research projects, published dozens of academic papers in Chinese and English and  the book Meng Shu: With Dust, With Light. In addition, she has been awarded the 2022 China  National Arts Fund Project, being one of the first batch of artists to receive support from the  China National Arts Fund the first time it opened to citizens in Macao for application. 



作者:(中国澳门) 孟 舒 


尺寸:22*19*18 厘米 

2019 年 

Title:Star Dust (2019)

Author: (Macao SAR, China) MENG Shu  

Size: 22x19x18cm 

Material: handmade blown glass

Year: 2019 



