
时间:2019-03-28 20:47:46 | 来源:艺术中国




何翔宇 /铜、玻璃纤维、不锈钢、聚乙烯、热敏漆 / 12件,尺寸可变


Everything We Create Is Not Ourselves

He Xiangyu / Bronze, fiberglass, stainless steel, polyethylene, thermo-sensitive paint / 12 pieces, dimensions variable

The sculptures were created by the artist when he was staying in Berlin, reflecting his perplexity when surrounded by an unfamiliar language. The sculptures were the materialization of the artist’s perception when hearing or trying to speak the foreign language. The artist has spent many years researching the visualization of personal intuitions, using his own intuitions as the prototypes for re-creation. The series" Everything We Create Is Not Ourselves" is the outcome of the artist's re-creation of self. Invisible subjects are converted into physical shapes, in an effort to reveal“what are feelings” and demonstrate the artist's point of view regarding how humans perceive themselves. Through touching the artworks in the exhibition hall, viewers can interact with the“feelings” of the artist, and try to discover and explore the different yet similar experiences of human beings.

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