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艺术中国 | 时间: 2013-07-26 15:09:30 | 文章来源: 艺术中国


François Bossière:法国当代艺术家,1956年出生于巴黎,1981年毕业于法国国家高等装饰艺术学院(École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs) ,2005年 “中法年”法国政府推荐画家。曾在西安美院及东北师大美院任教,现居巴黎,从事绘画实践、美术教学和色彩研究。其夫人为华裔跨文化人类学教授,使方索的创作也具有了鲜明的跨文化特点。

François Bossière: French professional artist. He was born in 1956 in Paris, and was graduated from École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in 1981. He was the recommended artist by the French government in the “Les Années Chine-France” in 2005. He also taught in Xi’an Academy of Fine Art and Fine Art Academy of Northeast Normal University. He currently lives in Paris, and takes on painting practices, the art teaching and researches on colors. His wife, a Chinese French, is a professor of trans-cultural anthropology, whose efforts make François Bossière’s creation possessed with distinct trans-cultural features.

张森: 原生艺术创作者,1998年出生,2002年被诊断为阿斯伯格症,现就读于深圳城市绿洲学校,想象力丰富,空间感强,听觉敏锐,记忆力超常,从小着迷于宇宙神秘性、军事科幻性、人类历史性题材,但一直困惑于中国常规教育的应试问题。

Zhang Sen: Art brut creator. He was born in 1998, and currently studies in Green Oasis School in Shenzhen. With a wealth of imagination, a strong sense of space, sharp hearing and an outstanding memory, he has been obsessed with the mysterious universe, fantastic military affairs and human’s history. However, he has been puzzled with the examination-oriented conventional education of China.


Sun Qianwei: Art brut creator. He was born in 1999, and at present studies in Shenzhen Huangpu Middle School. His ability of using colors is very prominent. He has an unusual memory too. He is confused about ways to more moderately communicate with others.


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