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艺术中国 | 时间: 2011-12-06 16:25:58 | 文章来源: 艺术中国


The introduction of oil painting to China can trace its history far back to hundreds of years ago. In the early 20th century, a large number of students returning from abroad stated a new era of oil painting art in China, with classicism, realism, modernism and other styles competing with each other, reaching a climax of early oil painting art. After the founding of the People’s Republic China, Russian style and nationalization of oil painting grew together and oil painting with Chinese cultural connotation and realistic trait began to emerge, turning the development of oil painting in China from learning to internalization. Since the reform and opening up, generations of artists sought hard and forged ahead to keep up with the pace of the modern world, bringing forth new ideas in subjects, contents, themes, expressions and so on. Many talented painters came to the fore and excellent works kept on standing out.


Today, with the development of our great country and the arts, oil painting art in China is facing a new opportunity for development. Senior painters are still hale and hearty. Middle-aged painters are in the prime of their lives while young painters are growing quickly and are gradually promoting the development of Chinese oil painting art. Most young painters nowadays, strictly trained in colleges, are highly skilled and have a professional knowledge of oil painting media. They are constantly seeking for unique form of expression for their own feelings and understanding of the world. All of the above factors contribute to open-minded views and various styles in the oil painting art today. It shows respect to the tradition, reflection on the subject and care for the reality.


The “Art Phoenix” Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition of Young Artists, held by China Artists Association and Wuxi Phoenix Arts Group, aimed at reflecting creating status and academic thinking of young artists, discovering and introducing outstanding artists and works, and exploring contemporary oil painting art from the aspects of skill, concept, and localization. On the one hand, we learn from past experience and carry forward the fine tradition of Chinese oil painting. On the other hand, we face the problems arose and guide the creation of art by different means including exhibitions like this one, to which nearly 4000 works were submitted. After strict review by the committee members, 100 works were selected and 10 of them were awarded, which reflected the outlook and achievements of contemporary oil painting in China from one aspect. And by exhibitions like “Art Phoenix”, we expect to find more talented young artists and to introduce more fine works, thus to propel the undertaking of fine arts and the production of oil painting forward as well as to enrich the cultural life of the mass.


China Artists Association


Nov.10th, 2011


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