赤增绕旦 简历 |
艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-11-12 11:06:23 | 文章来源: 艺术中国 |
赤增绕旦 生于1979年11月 经历 2002-2005 就读四川省藏文学校艺术系 2006-2007 青海省热贡吾屯下寺学习藏族绘画技艺 2007至今就读西藏大学艺术系 师从丹巴绕旦老师及次旦朗杰老师 西藏美术家协会会员 参展 2009年1月 第四届中国厦门国际佛事用品展览 2009年6月 “西藏自治区首届旅游纪念品大赛”四幅作品入选其中四壁观音获三等奖 2010年8月“西藏自治区首届唐卡艺术博览会”西藏自治区一级画师
Trizin Rabten (Born in Nov, 1979) He enrolled arts department of Sichuan Tibetan School from 2002 to 2005. He studied Tibetan traditional painting in the upper Wuton Monastery from 2006-2007 Since 2007, he was apprenticed to Prof. Tenpa Rabten and Tseten Namgyal at Tibet University. He became a member of Tibet Artists Association. Exhibitions & Awards: He joined to the Forth Xiamen China International Buddhist Products Exhibition in Jan, 2009. He won the third prize in the Contest of Tibet Tour Souvenir in Jun, 2009, In Aug, 2010, He joined in the First Thanka Art Fair of Tibet Autonomous Region. He was elected as the first-grade Thanka painter of TAR.
生于1979年11月。 2002-2005 就读四川省藏文学校艺术系;2006-2007 青海省热贡吾屯下寺学习藏族绘画技艺... 视频采访>>> |
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