顿珠  简历

艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-11-12 09:43:52 | 文章来源: 艺术中国





1996-1998 师从西藏大学艺术系桑曲老师

1998-2001 师从西藏勉唐艺术学校益西群培老师

2001-2008 师从西藏大学艺术系丹巴热旦老师


拉萨举办个人唐卡画展 2008至今 开办“勉拉顿珠唐卡工作室” 获奖 2009年6月 “西藏自治区首届旅游纪念品大赛”彩绘类金奖 2010年8月“西藏自治区首届唐卡艺术博览会”西藏自治区一级画师


Dondrub (Born in Aug, 1983) He was apprenticed to Prof. Sangcho at Tibet University from 1996 to 1998. He was apprenticed to Yeshi Chophel at Menthang Style Thanka Art School from 1998 to 2001. He attended Tibet University and became a student of Prof. Tenpa Rabten from 2001 to 2008. He founded Menla Dundrub Thanka Gallery.

Exhibitions & Awards: He used to display an exhibition at Lhasa Drama Club. In Jun, 2009, He was awarded the gold award in colored drawing at Tibet Tour Souvenir Contest. In Aug, 2010, He participated in the First Thanka Art Fair of Tibet Autonomous Region. He was elected as the first-grade Thanka painter of TAR.

1996-1998 师从西藏大学艺术系桑曲老师;1998-2001 师从西藏勉唐艺术学校益西群培...
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