FRENCH LANDSCAPE – Connection and Collection
香港法國文化協會會刊 PAROLES 主編敖樹克先生將主持開幕式
這次在精藝軒舉辦名為“French Landscape – Connection and Collection”的展出,展題如要直接翻譯,則展品與法國風景確實扯不上太大關係,但展品卻觀念地展示出藝術家對香港及巴黎兩地的一連串思念與回憶。
精藝軒畫廊位於中環嘉咸街35號地舖(近荷李活道與擺花街交界)。如欲訪問藝術家或查詢展覽的詳情可電郵< dyiu@artbeatus.com.hk>或致電 2522.1138向Dominic Chan 或2526.0818向Josephine Hau查詢。
畫廊開放時間:星期一至六 11:30am-7:30pm 星期日及公眾假期休息。
"French Landscape"中,藝術家謝淑婷把從巴黎搜集回來的物件及拍攝的景像用來製作新系列的作品,當中陶瓷仍用作紀錄記憶的物料,繼續採討“記憶 痕跡” 的意念。從香港到巴黎,謝淑婷以“異客”的遊走經驗,把兩地不同區域、文化特質,同時表現於作品中。
"French Landscape"中沒有實質的法國風景,只是用搜集回來的物品作隱喻製作法國遊記,取替文字,當中亦暗示人、物與地區之間的連繫。


French Landscape – Connection and Collection
Works and installations of Sara Tse
Art Beatus Exhibition Space
35-37 Graham Street, Ground Floor,
(near Lyndhurst Terrace and Hollywood Road)
Central, Hong Kong
Exhibition period: April 27 to May 25, 2007
Artist will attend the opening ceremony from 6pm to 8pm on April 27, 2007
The opening ceremony will be officiated by Mr. Gerard Henry, Editor-in Chief, of Paroles
Press Release
Sara Tse continues her artistic journey down the memory lane, preserving fragments of reminiscences and experiences with her works. In French Landscape - Connection and Collection, Tse gives an account of her conceptual interpretations of France.
Tse is a talented Hong Kong artist and her works have received many acclaims, including a grant from the Fonds des Artistes de L’Alliance Française. She spent about a month last year in France to heighten her inspirations for this exhibition.
French Landscape: Connection and Collection is an exhibition event of Le French May programmes of this year and the exhibition is sponsored by Alliance Française of Hong Kong.
In this exhibition, Tse hopes to further pursuit the idea of “memory-traces” and the idea of commemoration, in an effort to connect two distinctively different cultures together with her works. She has indicated that her new works and installations bear little physical resemblances to the title – landscape, but rich in artistic interpretations.
Art Beatus Gallery’s new exhibition space is located at 35-37 Graham Street, Ground Floor, Central, Hong Kong (near the junction of Hollywood Road and Lyndhurst Terrace). For further information about this exhibition or for interviewing the artist, you can e-mail us at dyiu@artbeatus.com.hk or call either Dominic Chan at 2522-1138 or Josephine
Hau at 2526-0818.
Gallery hours: Mon. thr. Sat. 11:30am - 7:30pm, close on Sundays & public holidays.
Artist’s statement:
“French Landscape: Connection and Collection”
It is human nature to desire to preserve a unique personal experience. Travellers throughout history have returned with ‘souvenirs’ in commemoration of and desire to both retain and share a memory of their experiences. Ceramic artefacts are considered to be uniquely significant in an archaeological and historical context as a means of providing important clues and memories of the way of life of cultures and civilisations throughout the ages.
The project “French Landscape: Connection and Collection” aims to further investigate the idea of ‘memory-traces’ and the idea of commemoration. My intention will be to construct a new series of works from collected objects that directly relate to my experience as an‘outsider’, traversing two distinctly different geographical and cultural regions with their own specific and unique cultural signifiers.
The project does not intend to commemorate this experience via literal representation of the physical landscape but rather to create a metaphorical landscape created by means of a “membrane memory” of objects that signify and form a connection between people and place.