接触——国际当代艺术展 主办:九立方画廊. Organizers: CUBE GALLERY 协办:中央美术学院版画系 Cooperation: Central Academy of Fine Arts Printmaking Department 学术主持:贝雅特·拉劳夏尔德(路德维希美术馆 馆长) Academic Moderator: Dr. Beate Reifenscheid(Director of Ludwigmuseum) 策展人:唐承华 Curator: Tang Chenghua 策展助理:李洁 杨羡 Curatorial Assistants: Li jie , Yang xian 展览时间:2007年3月31日---2007年4月28日 Exhibition Time: March 31th 2007 to April 28th 2007 开幕酒会:2007年3月31日 下午5:00 Opening Date: March 31th 2007 at 5:00pm 公开制作演示:中央美术学院版画系 Work show: Central Academy of Fine Arts Printmaking Department 4月4日上午9:00 —下午5:00 Am9:00—Pm5:00 4,Apr. 画廊地址:北京市朝阳区北苑北湖渠酒厂国际艺术园中心湖上 Add:Chaoyang Liquar Factory.(beihuqu)Chaoyang district,Beijing 联系电话 Tel:010—52023969 010—52023959 Email:999@art.com.cn
The Opening Cocktail Reception of the “Approach ---- International Contemporary Art Exhibition” will be held at 5:00 p.m., March 31 at Cube Gallery. Liquor Factory International Art Garden, Chaoyang District, Beijing. This art exhibition will display the works of 10 artists from Spain, the United States, France, Germany and China who are highly influential in the international art area. At the appointed time these participating artists will meet with the colleagues coming from Beijing and exchange with them in Cube Gallery., Welcome your presence sincerely!
Antoni Tapies安东尼·塔皮埃斯(西班牙)(Spain) Alixe Fu 傅庆丰(法国)(France) Chris Chou 周兰惠 (美国)(United States) John Walker. 约翰·沃克(美国)(United States) Michael Growe.密歇尔·格罗维(德国)(Germany). Sasha Meret.萨塞·马迩特(美国)(United States) Tang Chenghua 唐承华(中国)(China) Tan Ping 谭 平(中国)(China) Yang Qi 杨 起(德国)(Germany) Zhou Shaohua 周韶华(中国)(China)
