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艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-11-29 10:00:52 | 文章来源: 英使馆文化处
7. Comparethemarket.com: Jingle
by Darren Walsh

An aristocratic furry creature in a velvet smoking jacket stands in front of the fire in a baronial hall and explains the difference between his 'Compare the Meerkat' website and a similar sounding one for cheap car insurance -comparethemarket.com He plays the advertising jingles for both on an old tape recorder, claiming that they are completely different, whereas in fact they are very similar, as are the logos of teh two sites that he points to.

8. Alko: Father & Son
by Jonathan Hodgson

Sponsored by Alko, the state owned organisation that manages the distribution and sale of alcohol in Finland, the intention of the films is to subtlely encourage people from all backgrounds to reflect on how drinking alcohol and the behaviour that can result from it, might affect young children. Sherbet won the project by proposing the use of sensitive and organic line drawing to create mother and daughter and father son characters that were non specific and that avoided tradtional cartoon character genres.

9. Simons Cat: TV Dinners
by Simon Tofield

10. Norwich To Sheringham
by Bali Engel

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