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艺术中国 | 时间: 2011-04-29 08:25:04 | 文章来源: 艺术中国


  文森特·沃勒(Vincent Waller) 现任尼克儿童频道创意总监,负责《海绵宝宝》系列剧的开发。他1960年出生于美国德克萨斯州,是一位享有声誉的编剧、艺术家和导演。

  文森特的艺术生涯始自15岁,那时他在德克萨斯州的一家游乐园画漫画。17岁时,他来到了新奥尔良,在这个被爵士和布鲁斯音乐环绕的地方居住了三年,这期间他一直在波旁街(新奥尔良法语区最为古老的一条街道)进行漫画创作。之后文森特移居纽约,师从插图画家加瑞•霍尔格伦(Gary Hallgren)和连环漫画家拉里•哈马斯(Larry Hama),一边学习,一边从事插图和连环漫画的创作。

▪ 《莱恩和史丁比》(The Ren & Stimpy Show)
▪ 《抓鬼特工队》(The Real Ghostbusters)
▪ 《地球超人》(Captain Planet)
▪ 《乱七八糟》 (What A Mess)
▪ 《刺猬索尼克历险记》(Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog)
▪ 《唐老鸭》(Duckman)
▪ 《Gravedale高》(Gravedale High)
▪ 《艾德梦游记》(Nightmare Ned)
▪ 《爱酷一族》(The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
▪ 《魔脑笨笨熊》(Evil Con Carne)
▪ 《超人家族X》(The X's)
▪ 《海绵宝宝》(SpongeBob SquarePants)
▪ 《两头笨狗》(2 Stupid Dogs)
▪ 《欧布隆诡异家庭秀》(The Oblongs)
▪ 《牙龈先生的卡通秀》(The Mr.Gum Cartoon Show Thing)
▪ 《莱恩和史丁比》的成人卡通聚会(Ren & Stimpy "Adult Party Cartoon")
▪ 《哈维博德曼:律师》(Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law)

Vincent Waller (born in Texas September 30, 1960) is a writer, artist and director.
Vincent began his foray into the art world at the age of 15 as a caricature artist at an amusement park in Texas. At 17 he traveled to New Orleans and spent three years there surrounded by Jazz and Blues, while working as a caricature artist on Bourbon St. Vincent then moved to New York City where he studied under illustrator Gary Hallgren and writer/comic book artist Larry Hama, while doing illustration and comic book work.


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