



时间: 2020-11-18 19:02:49 | 来源: 艺术中国
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策展人:魏皓啟(Hutch Wilco),张婷


展览时间:2020年11月20日 - 12月13日





罗伯特·乔治,夜之拥抱/睡梦,数字影像、音响,6分30秒,2013年 ©作品版权归艺术家本人所有

2020年11月20日,在上海市对外文化交流协会的特别支持和新西兰驻上海总领事馆以及KeaNewZealand的支持下,由上海多伦现代美术馆主办,策展人魏皓啟(Hutch Wilco)和张婷联合策划的“远南之递:来自大洋洲的当代影像艺术”展(Southern Transmissions—Contemporary Video Art from Oceania)将在上海多伦现代美术馆拉开帷幕。展览试图通过建立一组微型的民族动态影像档案,引发在中国现场的交流和讨论,从而关注全球语境下各国民族志的有机发展。它并不同于传递中国民众基本认知下的南太平洋原住民传统文化,而是第一次向我们展现来自那片遥远水域的影像艺术实践。通过直观的影像和数字艺术去认识当代的南太社会叙事,对于拥有众多优秀民族文化的中国来说,也是一种顺势的交流。在传承和持续发展本土民族文化遗产和当代艺术圈内“去西欧中心化”的议题之下,我们可以探测到来自非主流版图圈内的原住民艺术家如何深耕本土文化,并持续推动本民族艺术的现代发展进程。

安吉拉·缇亚缇亚,舔舐,16:9单频高清影像、彩色、音响,6分33秒,2015年 ©作品版权归艺术家本人所有


克里斯托弗·乌鲁图普,投怀送抱殖民者,数字影像、音响,16分22秒,2016年 ©作品版权归艺术家本人所有

从原住民文化传统的保护,到南太平洋奴隶贸易的历史遗留问题,再到海平面持续上升的紧迫现实等,展览“远南之递:大洋洲当代影像艺术展”通过海洋主题的影像创作和实践的多元媒介和形式,将来自拥有中国、澳大利亚、新西兰 、萨摩亚、库克群岛、汤加、纽埃等国血统背景的南太平洋地区原住民艺术家们集结起来,探讨亚太地区所共同面临的境遇和挑战。

丽莎·蕾哈娜,Tai Whētuki 灵之递,超高清影像,14分钟,2015年 ©作品版权归艺术家本人所有

佳思敏·多戈--布里斯比,白海盗,数字影像、音响,3分14秒,2015年 ©作品版权归艺术家本人所有


露西·奥卡福劳,无形领土,数字影像、音响,8分55秒。2013年 ©作品版权归艺术家本人所有

Now Showing: Video artists of Oceania at the Doland Museum of Modern Art,  Shanghai. 

Opening at Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art on 20 November, Southern Transmissions: Contemporary Video Art From Oceania invites viewers to discover the depth and talent of contemporary video artists from across Oceania. 

“Oceania is a vast geographic region that encompasses Australiasia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia, the countries and islands of which were populated in successive waves of skilled navigators and wanderers from what is Asia today, over thousands of years. With such vast distances between them, the various peoples of Oceania developed their unique cultural traditions, languages, beliefs and practices, separate from the continent. Spanning both East and West, it is a region that was recognised as being of strategic interest from the earliest days of European colonisation, and the island communities that had thrived were soon feeling the various pressures of colonialism and settlement, and later economic precarity, globalisation, and climate change. The exhibition is by no means a comprehensive exploration of these issues, but serves as an introduction of the many issues facing the Pacific region, as expressed by an extraordinary group of artists working in the video medium.” 

Visitors to the exhibition will see works by seven artists from the last decade, including Lisa Reihana’s (Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Hine, Ngāi Tū) stunning Tai Whetuki - House of Death (2015), a rich exploration of the journey to the underworld filmed on Auckland’s west coast, and Christian Thompson’s (Kunja Nation, Australia) Dead tongue (2014), featuring Thompson singing a song composed in Bidjara, the complex multi-syllabic language of his community, a language classified as endangered.

Curator Hutch Wilco said, “Ironically, it is the tumultuous forces of colonialism and globalisation that have once again enabled the diverse communities of Oceania to reforge connections with Asia. Southern Transmissions provides an opportunity to connect with artists from across Oceania who explore issues that have challenged their region through the format of video, from anxieties about the preservation of customary knowledge, or the legacy of the South Pacific slave trade, to contemporary concerns about rising sea levels enveloping communities, the exhibition serves as an introduction both to Oceanic video practices and the diversity of Oceanic preoccupations.” 

Southern Transmissions: Contemporary Video Art From Oceania will feature work by Lucy Aukafolau, Jasmine Togo-Brisby, Robert George, Lisa Reihana, Angela Tiatia, Christian Thompson, and Christopher Ulutupu. 

Southern Transmissions: Contemporary Video Art From Oceania

20 Nov - 13 Dec 2020

Shanghai Duolun Museum Of Modern Art, 3 Fexi Ta Street, 27 Duolun Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai
