Pecha kucha 是由日本东京的Klein Dytham Archtetcs (KDA)设计组织首先在他们的“Supperclub”这个夜店发起的。经过证明这是一个非常棒的既可以晚上出去玩又可以结交一些新朋友、新想法、新的工作的好点子。于是这个活动开始全世界开展起来了。Pecha kucha之夜现已经在全世界158个城市和地区开展起来了。北京的Pecha kucha是由Sebastian Linack, Florian Pucher, Miriam Deller and Alessandra Henderson.发起和组织的。
日语中的Pecha kucha 大致可以翻译为喋喋不休或者闲聊。通过这种快速的节奏和以图片为主的演讲方式,Pecha kucha之夜有10名或者多余10名的参与者给大家展示20幅图片每一幅图片有20秒的时间去讲解。这种方式可以避免以往那种长到令人打瞌睡的讲座或讨论会,使每个人的演讲精简扼要。来自艺术,建筑,设计等任何你能想到的创意领域的演讲者和海量图片,每一次的Pecha Kucha Night都会为听众带来一个炫彩缤纷的夜晚。当然在休息时间里也不会少了酒水,音乐,图片,同时还有最重要的——闲聊(所以不要忘了带上名片哦!)
The Tokyo based architecture firm Klein Dytham Architetcs (KDA) originally started Pecha Kucha Night in their nightclub “Supperclub”. After it proved to be a perfect recipe for a good night out and a great way of meeting new people, ideas, employees or jobs the evening was picked up all over the world. Pecha Kucha Nights are held already in 158 cities worldwide. Pecha Kucha Night in Beijing is founded and organized by Sebastian Linack, Florian Pucher, Miriam Deller and Alessandra Henderson.
The Japanese term ′Pecha Kucha′ roughly translates as chit-chat or noisy chatter. As a potent crossbreed between an elevator pitch and a slide show Pecha Kucha Night presents ten or more participants who show 20 slides for twenty seconds each. No more boring lectures, painful seminars or tiring presentations. Pecha Kucha Night offers the audience the experience of a dazzling range of speakers and images in the course of one evening. Breaks will be filled with drinks, music, images and of course: chit-chat. |