
时间:2014-11-02 15:41:25 | 来源:艺术中国

段煜婷 Duan Yuting

作为中国当代摄影的重要策展人,段煜婷女士长期致力于中国当代摄影的策展、传播,长期担任多个国际重要摄影奖项评委及多个国际重要摄影节的策展人。2000年编著大型纪实摄影丛书《中国故事》;2001年至2003年被世界新闻摄影基金会(WPP)选为中国大师班成员参加为期3年的学习;2005年发起、策划连州国际摄影年展项目;2005年底被评为“2005中国摄影十大焦点人物”;2006年5月“中国摄影五十年”大型回顾展特约策展人;2006年11月受邀担任德国柏林摄影节评委;2007年1月受邀担任法国巴黎摄影双年展中国部分策展人;2007年英国伯明翰摄影节大师评审会评委;2007年德国柏林摄影节大师评审会评委;2008年4月首届希腊摄影双年展评委;2008年5月柏林摄影节评委;2008年6月,北京摄影季论坛发言人:2009年5月中国摄影金像奖评委;2009年-2010年南方短片节评委;2010年6月瑞士日内瓦摄影节评委;2010年7月法国才华摄影基金奖评委;英国 Prix Pictet 摄影奖提名人;2012年莫斯科摄影双年展策展人;2012大邱摄影双年展评委;2012丹麦摄影三年展评委;哈苏摄影大师奖中国区提名人;2014欧洲新摄影论坛专家;2014美国休斯顿摄影双年展专家见面会评委;2014年阿根廷摄影节策展人。

Dedicated in curatorship, spreading and promotion of China’s contemporary photography and management of art projects. Has been hostess of the column of “Photographer Interview” and editor of theory edition of People's Photography; photo editor and photo chief director for New Express under Yangcheng Evening News Group; in 2000, compiling Chinese Story, a great realistic photographic book reflecting living status of all walks of life of China in the 20th century's; 2001 to 2003, taking a 3-year Chinese Master Course as a member chosen by World Press Photo; 2005, initiator and curator of Lianzhou International Photo Festival as project and art director and has been chosen as Top Ten Character of China Photography of the Year 2005; November, 2006, invited judge for FOTOBILD, Berlin, Germany; January, 2007, invited curator for Chinese Work in Paris Photo Biennale; 2007, member of review panel for Rhubarb-Rhubarb, Birmingham, UK; 2007, member of review panel for FOTOBILD, Berlin, Germany.; April 2008, member of jury of the 1st Salonika Photo Biennale 2008, Greece. May 2008, Reviewer for FOTOBILD Berlin. May, 2009, Reviewer for China Photography Awards; Sep.2009 & Sep.2010, Judger for Southern Porket Film Festival. June,2010 Viewer for 50JPG, Geneva; July, 2010, Jury for Photography Talent Award, France. Nominator of 2011 Prix Pictet Photography Prize; Curator of 2012 Moscow Photo Biennale.Nominator for the Hasselblad Award 2012.Reviewer for European New Photography Forum 2014; Reviewer for Houston Photography Biennial 2014;Curator for Festival of Light Argentina 2014.

年度学术主持:鲍昆 President of Academic Committee: Bao Kun



A curator and photography critic. Born in Beijing in 1953. 1997, planner for CCTV large documentary Yellow River; 2002, board director of CPA; 2003, executive editor in chief for CCTV program Instant World; 2004, curator for Wuyi Mountain International Photography Week; 2005, curator for Guilin International Photo Festival; judge for the 11th China International Photography Exhibition; theory criticism first prize winner for article A Romantic Century by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles; 2006, curator for “Between Heaven and Earth - Realistic Memory” Photo Exhibition in Songzhuang Gallery; academic panel member of the Second Lianzhou International Photo Festival; March, 2007, chosen as the “Most Important Photography Character of the Year” by FOTOMEN; academic director of the Second Guangzhou International Photo Biennale; judge for the Seventh China Photography Gold Image Award; curator for the Seventh Pingyao International Photography Festival; Curator for Third Lianzhou International Photo Festival 2007; Been entrusted as the Art Director for the 1st Beijing Photography Season in 2008; Curator for the Eighth Pingyao International Photography Festival, the chief curator for Fourth Lianzhou International Photo Festival;Curator for The Thirteenth Pingyao International Photography Festival 2013.

学术委员会轮值主席:朱大可 Zhu Dake


Zhu Dake is a Chinese scholar, cultural critic and essayist. He was educated in the department of Chinese language of East China Normal University and then was awarded a PhD in University of Technology, Sydney in Australia. He has also been a visiting scholar at the University of Sydney.

Rising to prominence in the mid-1980s, Zhu was an important spokesman of the avant-garde culture. He is considered adept in expressing his rational knowledge and determination toward the maintenance and development of the current culture with his advanced and sharp thoughts as well as his unique style of language. He was listed in "50 Top Chinese Influencing the World’s Future" by the weekly magazine Phoenix Life.With his progressive thinking, harsh criticism of social injustice and deep understanding of the Chinese culture, Zhu continues to have a tremendous influence on modern Chinese culture. His criticism is often coined as “Zhu Words” by his followers, a metaphoric style of writing intertwined with both rationality and sensibility. His representative works include "The Burning Papañca", "Escapee’s Dossiers","The Festival of Liumang" and "Review of the 21st Century Chinese Culture".

罗伯特•普雷基 Robert Pledge

1942年出生于英国伦敦,1952年迁居法国巴黎。主修西非语言和人类学,以非洲研究专家身份踏上记者生涯。后成为视觉艺术杂志《伸缩镜》(Zoom)的编辑,并于1976年担任伽马图片社美国办事处主编。1976年,与美国摄影师大卫•伯内特在纽约共同创办联系图片社(Contact Press Images)。曾主编出版多部图书,自1988年来在中国以及其他国家策划过众多摄影展并多次担任评委,包括荷赛大奖、美国尤金•史密斯基金会人道主义摄影奖。现居住于巴黎和纽约,并频繁往来中国。

Born in 1942 in London, UK and moved to Paris, France at the age of ten. A student of West African languages and anthropology, he found his way into journalism as a specialist in African affairs. In 1970 he became an editor at the French bi-monthly visual arts Zoom, le magazine de l’image and in 1973 the director of the New York office of the picture agency Gamma. In 1976 he founded Contact Press Images in New York with American photographer David Burnett. He has curated major exhibitions worldwide and served on prestigious international juries including that of the World Press Photo Foundation, three times. He commutes between Paris and New York.

弗朗索•萨瓦尔 François Cheval





In the course of the past few years, I frequently pointed out the fact that I was born one year after Stalin’s death, a few months after the French defeat at Diên Biên Phû in1954 and, consequently, under the double sign of anti-stalinism and anti-colonialism. My studies in sociology and anthropology, as well my political activities in the seventies, had hardly prepared me for a position of museum curator. But things had changed, and by the will of the left that then held power, I integrated the body of museum curators. All things considered, what gave form to my professional practice was rather what I had learned at university – and outside university. Marcel Mauss revealed the functioning of the Art market to me; P. Bourdieu gave me new perspectives on amateur photography; Baudrillard taught me the political nature of signs, and Boulgakov naturally found his place alongside Karl Marx. Today, I consider the first paparazzi as anarchists, somewhat close to the characters of Accatone. And when I immerse myself in the pictures of Giacomelli, I feel like a Plains Indian… and I fly. When all is said and done, I am just a bad anthropologist lost in the corridors of a museum.

米歇尔•菲利博 Michel Philippot

米歇尔•菲利博作为特约记者为西格玛图片社工作了十年,并曾担任伽玛图片社的图片编辑,与Globe Hebdo、L'Événement du jeudi、VOD以及《世界报》等多家杂志社合作。目前是一位独立的策展顾问。

Worked as contributing reporter for the Sygma for 10 tens,he then served as a picture editor for the Gamma Press, and collaborate with varies magazines such as Globe Hebdo、L'Événement du jeudi、VOD and Le Monde. He is now an independent photography consultant and curator.

毛卫东 Mao Weidong


Born in Xi'an in 1968, Lives and works Beijing. He worked in state-owned company between 1988-2009. Since 1995 he began his career as an art literature translator. 2009-2014 he worked at Three Shadows Photography Art Centre. He is currently working on the translation and publication of photography theory and history works. He founded an independent photography literary journal “Journal of Photographic Essay." Translated and published works: "How to Judge the Authenticity of Photographic Works" (Hong Kong Photography Library Press), "Pinhole Photography: From Traditional Techniques to Digital Applications" (World Publishing Company), "Photography Exhibition Guide" (World Publishing Co.), "Photography Theory in Historic Perspective" (China National Photographic Art Publishing House), "Dialogue with Photography" (China National Photographic Art Publishing House / Hong Kong Photography Library Press) and so on.

杜曦云 Du Xiyun


Du Xiyun, a famous curator and scholar steeped in visual culture. Born in 1978, Mr. Du received his Bachelor’s Degree in oilpainting and a Master’s Degree in art theories.

A keen, accurate eye for visual artwork and the emphasis on historical and societal background are his distinctive characteristics. He has curated numerous large contemporary art exhibitions and many trenchant articles which have been widely disseminated. Not only was he previously in charge of professional magazines such as Art Focus, ARTTIME, BA ART, but he also initiated and organized the “Chinese Contemporary Art: Golden Palm • Golden Razzies Awards”. In recent years, Mr. Du also serves as the chief writer of the art column of Chengdu Business Daily and is a contributor of China Dialogue.

Facing the chaotic nature of general knowledge of the contemporary art world, he constantly goes back to the original starting point and clarifies these issues. He pays attention to evaluating Chinese contemporary art in the context of global vision and modern civilization, as well as defining culture in the framework of political economy.

章翔鸥 Zhang Xiangou

笔名大门,1975年出生于温州。摄影师、策展人、影像批评家。中国摄影家协会策展委员会委员,连州国际摄影年展展览总监。 2004年,武夷山国际摄影周获人类摄影进步奖;2006年参加宋庄美术馆开幕群展“天地间——现实主义的记忆”;2009年丽水国际摄影文化节获十大策展人奖;2009年—2013年丽水国际摄影文化节策展人;2012年,济南摄影双年展展览总监;2013年,今日美术馆“隐没地——上圈组村民与艺术家的影像实验”展览总监。出版:2003年《眼睛的立场》, 2009年《梦开始的村庄》

Zhang Xiangou was born in Wenzhou in 1975. He is a professional photographer, curator, art critic and a member of the curatorial committee of the Chinese Photographers Association. Currently he is also the Exhibition Director of Lianzhou Foto. He has curated many exhibitions including "Hidden Land: Shangjuanzu Villagers and Artists' Image Experiment" at Today Art Museum, 2013; China (Jinan) Contemporary International Photography Biennial, 2012 and Lianzhou Foto and Lishui International Photo Festival, 2011. He received the 10 Best Curators in China award in 2009. As a photographer, he has published “The Village Where Dream Begins” in 2009 and “Perspective of the Eye” in 2003.

尚 陆 Jean Loh

法籍华裔,巴黎政治学院、巴黎索邦大学硕士,国际摄影策展人,上海比极影像画廊艺术总监,美国穿越亚洲摄影杂志编辑委员,美国露西基金会露西摄影金像奖提名委员。主要策展:马克•吕布回顾展中国14个城市巡回展《自觉的瞬间》。2013年大理摄影节《东西大理》11人展,2011-2013年缅甸仰光国际摄影节大赛评委,策划《杰出的女人》、《中国污染》展,《巴黎雅顾影楼和肖像艺术》讲座。 2008年柬埔寨金边国际摄影节策展《内像》,2012年王淋《流浪的郁金香》。2011年意大利亚历山大利亚双年展策划中国摄影家联展。2010-2012年北京草场地摄影季专家见面会专家。

French national of Chinese origin. Graduate of Sciences-Po Paris. Master from Sorbonne Paris-IV.

Photography curator, art director of Beaugeste Gallery in Shanghai, book editors, member of the editorial board ofTrans-Asia Photography Review, advisor on the board of Lucie Foundation for Lucie Awards.

Recent exhibitions include : Marc Riboud Retrospective in China (14-city tour, last stop Chongqing Jiashan Museum), Bruno Barbey’s China in Kodachrome (Kunming Museum), Isabel Munoz’ Shaolin Dancing Warriors, Li Zhensheng’s "Winds & Clouds", Zhe Chen’s "Bees". Studio Harcourt (projection) and Lu Guang’s Pollution in China at Yangon Photo, Wang Lin’s Stray Tulips at Phnom Penh Photo, etc. "East West See Dali" Eleven Photographers Residential Project at 2013 Dali Photo Festival.

施瀚涛 Shi Hantao


Curator, executive director of the Ray Art Center. Former director of marketing development department of Shanghai Bund Art Museum; he recieved his master degree of Art Management from the Institute of Art Chicago;he is the founder of China's first professional photography gallery; won the Annual Photography Curator Award from Lianzhou International Photography Festival 2005; he has extensive curatorial experience, and a large number of art criticism and translation works published.

吴毅强 Wu Yiqiang


Ph.D of Aesthetic Institute in Zhejiang university.His research interests are aesthetics ,critic theory and image cultural criticism. He has successfully translated“Modern Art in Common Culture”by Tomas Crow into Chinese version which is to be published earlier next years, and is delicated to review photography through contemporary arts and photography theory.

成国琴 Cheng Guoqin

1966年生于河南郑州,毕业于郑州大学电子工程系,曾在美国康奈尔大学学习服务业管理,2001年在北京大学进修艺术与美学史。2004年起在北京798从事策展和画廊经营,曾为中、美、德、法、以色列、意大利、澳大利亚等国内外艺术家策展,并与多个驻华使馆合作。2007年与薄云共同策划2007大连达沃斯经济论坛之主场中国艺术家群展;2011年策展巴塞尔文化博物馆《On Stage》摄影部分;2011年被聘为英国机构《付得起的艺术品》艺术顾问之一;2012年作为联合策展人代表北京798在台湾的当代艺术区策划798艺术群展;2012年被聘为798艺术区艺委会主任成员;2013年大理国际影会与姜健共同策划美国艺术家Bernard的《梦露早期摄影展》。2013年作为连州国际摄影策展人之一,策划《鲁宾斯坦和姜健摄影对话》展览获得中国优秀摄影策展奖。2014年上海艺术影像展首次将德国摄影大师奥古斯特•桑德的作品带入摄影博览会,联合策展——桑德和姜健的对话展。

Born in 1966, Zhengzhou, Henan Province of China.Graduate from Zhengzhou University with major of Electrical Engineering in 1987. Cornell Hotel School in U.S. for executive program education in 2001. 2004, opened art gallery of XYZ with partners in the world famous art center, 798 of Beijing. Collaborated with numerous embassies in Beijing for art and culture events, such as Netherland, Israel, Germany and Switzerland. 2011, co-organized the inauguration exhibition for Basel Museum of Cultures at the theme of ON THE STAGE. 2011, recognized as Member of 798 Art Committee by 798 Authority. 2012, representing 798 to group- curate the first Chinese contemporary art exhibition in Taipei, Taiwan. 2013, organized the art exhibition for Dutch artist Maartje Blans solo exhibition at Ying Gallery in 798, and Anne.Sofie Hornemann at XYZ Gallery in 798. 2013, curated exhibition for Chinese young artists exhibited in Art Cologne 2013. 2013 co-curator with Jiang Jian for the photo exhibition of Bernard Hollywood Marilyn Manron Photo Exhibition at 2013 Dali International Photo Fair.Received the outstanding curator award of Chinese photography exhibition due to the joint exhibition of Eva Rubinstein and Jiang Jian.2014 Photo Shanghai- August Sander and Jiang Jian joint exhibition.

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