陈飞 |
艺术中国 | 时间: 2012-04-12 14:18:21 | 文章来源: 艺术中国 |
陈飞,1983年出生于山西省洪洞县,2005年毕业于北京电影学院美术系。他曾先后参与多部电影的制作,如今已全职投入艺术创作中,成为职业艺术家。陈飞分别于2004年、2009年和2010年在北京和香港举办过个人作品展,他最新的个展《陌生人》于2011年在今日美术馆举办,此外,他还发表过多本出版物。 陈飞的作品语言实践带有某种强烈的个人偏执,物化过程中所投入的巨大时间强度总是与一种概念化的写实性诉求相关,这也使得他的作品带有浓重的个人色彩,形成相对独立的风格。 Born in 1983 in Hongtong, Shanxi, Chen Fei graduated from the fine art department of Beijing Film Academy. Since then he has been involved in the production of many films, and currently he works as a full-time professional artist. He held solo exhibitions in Beijing and Hong Kong in 2004, 2009 and 2010 respectively, and the most recent one was Stranger held at Today Art Museum in 2011. Besides, he has published many catalogues over the years. Chen Fei’s work takes on a strong sense of self-prejudice. All of the time and intensity of the objectification process alas had something to do with his demand for a conceptualized realism, thusmakes his work have a strong personal touch and form a relatively independent style.
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