普布琼拉 简历

艺术中国 | 时间: 2010-11-12 13:33:37 | 文章来源: 艺术中国



生日: 1968年3月3日


1994-1996年 负责萨迦大经堂壁画维修工程。

1998-2002年 参加布达拉宫壁画维修工程

1995-1996年 参加扎什伦布寺曲康夏宫殿壁画维修

1990-1992年 参加桑耶寺大堂壁画维修工程

2003-2004年 参加四川立唐寺大堂壁画维修

2005-2006年 参加甘孜州多格寺大堂壁画维修工程

2001-2002年 参加甘丹寺大堂壁画维修工程

2010 负责并完成萨迦大经堂壁画维修工程



2010年 第一届唐卡博览会被评为二级唐卡画师

2003年 继承矿物质颜料制作技法,2009年获得国家级的“非物质文化遗产”认证。


Phurbu Chunglag

(Born on 3rd, Mar 1996)

He was in charge of the mural painting project of the assembly hall at Sakya monastery from 1994 to 1996

He participated the mural painting project at the Potala Palace from 1998 to 2002

He participated the mural painting project of Chokhang Shar chaple at Tashi Lhunbo monastery from 1995 to 1996

He participated the mural painting project of the assembly hall at Samye monastery from 1990 to 1992

He participated the mural painting project of the assembly hall at Lithang monastery from 2003 to 2004

He participated the mural painting project of the assembly hall at Karze Dorge monastery from 2005 to 2006

He participated the mural painting project of the assembly hall at Gaden monastery

Since 2010, He is in charge of the mural painting project of the assebbly hall at Sakya monastery until now.


He was given a memorial prize by Sakya monastery in 1996

In Aug, 2010, He participated in the First Thanka Art Fair of Tibet Autonomous Region. He was elected as the second Thanka painter of TAR.


1994-1996年 负责萨迦大经堂壁画维修工程。
1998-2002年 参加...
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